
Monday, August 3, 2015

'4 The Green Man' and Seizing The Moment

Monday, August 3rd, 2015.  Happy BC Day!  Today is a statutory holiday here in British Columbia, a day off so we can celebrate the creation, building, and history of this beautiful province.

We'll celebrate this day by hitting the beach!

Yesterday, we made our way into downtown Vancouver to take part in the Pride Parade and related festivities.  The parade is observed by hundreds of thousands of people, it's incredible just how many people can actually move through the streets of Vancouver and then into the small space of Sunset Beach.  We watched a majority of the parade while sitting on the sidewalk along Robson Street then we meandered our way to Sunset Beach before wondering on into Gastown to find a bite to eat.  We made a return visit to their food.

We made it back home late afternoon, early evening and relaxed.  I played around with my blogs and read a little from Natalie Goldberg's book 'The True Secret of Writing' and the 'RV Dreams Journal' before crawling into bed around 10:30pm and now here I am at 6:43 writing this having communed with Spirit and Tarot enjoying the sight of the fading moon and rising sun in the sky.  It's quite a sight to see the Sun's reflection in the building across the street and then be able to look up ever so slightly and catch a glimpse of the moon...

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot is "4 The Green Man: The Green Man is generous in his bestowal of creative, fertile energy and he will move you to a new level of confident and assertive dynamism.  This is a time for both giving and receiving the natural flow of life both inwardly and outwardly.  Be prepared to find a new and thriving drive to begin projects, relationships and even new ways of living your life and fulfilling your world.  Now is the time to experience being at the apex of the cycle of life.  Enjoy it!"

I'm quite drawn to this..."Be prepared to find a new and thriving drive to begin projects, relationships and even new ways of living your life and fulfilling your world.  Now is the time to experience being at the apex of the cycle of life.  Enjoy it!"  And this part here is especially potent for me..."new ways of living your life and fulfilling your world".

I need to seize this moment, this time in life, and live it, truly live my life the way I've always wanted life on the road in whatever facet I can.

Seize the moment!

And with each being ruled by a planet today's magical influences are "peace, sleep, healing, compassion, friends, psychic awareness, purification and fertility".  Mondays always seem to me to be a sleepyhead kind of day.  As I transition from my "job" to solely being Wizard Oron, Mondays might be a day I take off and relax, taking time to simply 'BE' for the entire day.

So on top of 'seizing the moment', I recognize Mondays as being a sleepyhead kind of day and a good day to simply 'BE' to here's an early morning toast to "Living and Celebrating Life to the Fullest!"

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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