
Friday, August 21, 2015

The 'III of Cups', Flexibility and Adaptability

Friday, August 21st, 2015.  I had a decent night last night my website is back up and running...this really helped to relax consciously and subconsciously and what a difference it made.  Not that it truly bothered me however it weighed on me in a manner that I noticed but was not focusing on.

I spent the night fine-tuning the materials I will take with me on vacation.  My aim is to really focus on improving my connection with Spirit and the manner in which I work with Tarot and my spiritual good deeds.

Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot is the "III of Cups: People around you are seeking acknowledgement in the form of positive strokes or physical affection.  Flexibility and adaptability will bring luck.  Family problems soon mellow.  When reversed: Don’t let disappointments get in the way of your happiness.  Beware of overindulgence and depression.  Jealousy clouds reason."

My co-workers were definitely in need of compliments and encouragement and they all took it to heart acknowledging my input with big beaming smiles.  My flexible ways and knack at being adaptable always make for a fairly easygoing day.  Reminders that the job will be a god cushion and back-up for me as I continue transitioning to a spiritual really being Wizard Oron.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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