
Friday, August 7, 2015

'18 The Moon on Water' and Being Within the Consciousness of the Universe

Friday, August 7th, 2015.  Another week at the job is behind me.  The job is not all that difficult and is in many ways quite enjoyable however I have another path I must follow.  Although, I cannot remember very clearly a couple of dreams I had last alluded to that path as does today's visiting Tarot, "18 The Moon on Water heralds a time of inner transformation, initiation, or awareness.  This may take the form of a seemingly random situation based on the emotional or spiritual spheres, but your inner voice may have been whispering for some time and gone unheeded.  Now your soul brings into your physical world the symbolic keys to the collective human subconscious.  This may take the form of a desire to investigate or study a doctrine, philosophy or esoteric pursuit, or the wish to explore the untapped sexual energy and experience a tighter spiritual bond with a partner through honesty and the expression of your hidden desires.  From here, you can begin to wrestle with the concept that consciousness is not within you, but that you are within the consciousness of the universe."

What strikes me the most is that "...your soul brings into your physical world the symbolic keys to the collective human subconscious...This may take the form of a desire to investigate or study a doctrine, philosophy or esoteric pursuit...From here, you can begin to wrestle with the concept that consciousness is not within you, but that you are within the consciousness of the universe."

As I read the first part of the quoted text what came immediately to my mind was the study of mediumship, developing intuition. and learning better empathic communication.  Much of this study strengthened with the practice of meditation.  Oh, and to further my practice of ventriloquism...

...and then I simply ask where is the 'Moon on Water' leading you?  Don't take time to think about it.  What immediately came to mind?

Another thing is knowing that we're "within the consciousness of the universe" is also knowing that we are then a part of the universe and have at our fingertips all of the universal knowledge and wisdom that we can and likely cannot even infinite wisdom that goes beyond human comprehension.  Thus our need to acknowledge and accept that we are indeed "within the consciousness of the universe".  And what a wonderful knowledge this is.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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