
Friday, October 11, 2013

0 The Fool and the Magic of Life

We spent a good part of the day out of New Westminster to avoid the acrid smoke that permeated the air and infiltrated our condo building.  A half block of historical buildings and a dozen or businesses burned to the ground yesterday and has left a gaping hole in the middle of New Westminster’s downtown and historic district.  Streets for several blocks around the fire are littered with remnants of charred wood and other fire debris.  And my eyes and throat are still feeling the lingering effects of the smoke that swirled around us for the good part of the morning before we left to do some urban hiking in downtown Vancouver.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “0 The Fool: Accepting and exploring one's sexual identity is a journey of self-discovery.  Beginning a new and exciting venture.  Going beyond the limits of social convention.  A nonconformist."

I believe in the mystery and magic of life.  I also have faith in life and the beauty of each and every one our lives, all 7 billion of us.  I believe because I know and I know because I have an open heart, mind, body, and spirit.  I experience the world we live in with all of my senses so miracles, magic, the paranormal and the supernatural are not unusual and beyond human life and experience rather they are an everyday occurrence and dare I say integral part of it.  Each second/moment/day of our lives has unlimited potentials and it is up to each one of us to be aware of the specialness of each second of our lives and what we can experience in each of them if we live and experience our lives with all of our senses and see the world as it really is and always has been—special!

Move beyond belief and come to know life, you won’t regret it!

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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