
Thursday, September 19, 2013

The 10 of Coins Again...

I piddled around most of the day yesterday but did manage to take a drive over to my RV where I cleared out an area in the RV where my next project is concerned and then I piddled around the RV before sitting down for a moment or two and simply allowed myself to “be”.  I found the RV to be very comforting yesterday and sensed that this feeling will only grow stronger the more complete and finished the RV becomes especially in the sense of not having any construction supplies lying around and having the RV complete as a living environment, my home, my oasis, my serene space, something I can call my very own.

Thank You Spirit.

Once I returned home I started preparations for dinner and slowly got that going, I made chilli.  It was good but a bit on the salty side but we enjoyed it all the same.  Then we relaxed for the evening before going to bed and allowing sleep to wash over us…

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is another repeat visitor, the “10 of Coins: History.  A knowledge of and appreciation for history.  Seeing your concerns in a larger context.  Seeing your life as a story, who is the author?”

A couple of things stand out with the appearance of 10 of Coins again and these are things that grabbed and held my attention this morning, Crowley’s Thoth Tarot Deck and the book How To Write for the New Age Market by Richard Webster.  Ever since our road trip to the Oregon Coast and the stores I visited in Astoria and Newport I’ve had a strong sense that I need to focus my life, attention, and need for employment on all things Spirit.  I’m filled with a certain faith and courage that my needs will be taken care of and I have no sense of worry about me.  I believe…I know…

Thank you Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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