
Friday, August 9, 2013

10 of Wands, Being Responsible, and Taking Time

Thank You Spirit for another bright and beautiful day-the sun is shining, the day is bright and dry and full of life.

We had a great few hours at the beach yesterday.  We go at a time where the tide is out and to get into the water requires a trek on the seabed and in shallow water before it gets deep enough to dive in and swim.  The shallow water though allows a glimpse into some of the sea life that exists along the sandy beach where we laze the day away.  Small fish frolicking in the water, scooting about and diving into holes as feet get too close to them or another sandy bottom dweller that scoots about and stirs up the sand as it skitters along the ocean floor, trying to escape those nasty human feet.  Cool!

Thank You Spirit!

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “10 of Wands: The Burden.  Responsibilities.  Obligations.  Over committing yourself.  Realizing that burdens are a part of life."

A reminder to seek balance of responsibilities, burdens, and other commitments where that balance is between what needs, to be done, what can be done, and the time available in a day to do it all.  We far too often try to squeeze more hours into the day than is possible, rushing to get things done when the best course of action is to acknowledge we are not superhuman and can only work so fast and only do what can be safely done in the hours we have.  It is time to push ourselves and others back into the mode of thinking that sometimes the best course of action is to leave it for tomorrow or another day.  Not procrastination or being lazy but acting responsibly and keeping ours and others safety and well-being top of mind.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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