
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

XIV Temperance

Yesterday was a bit of weird strange day.  I’m not sure what was afoot however I was never quite with all through the day.  I studied for a very short time, cleaned house, had lunch, saw the doctor, came back home and time just kept escaping me and before I knew it we were entertaining a friend and then it was midnight when we were going to bed.  I slept very poorly last night and even though I’ve been up for a little less than two hours I feel like I’ll be ready for bed in fairly short order.

The weather is on the warmer side however it is still a rather cold 5 degrees Celsius and not a warm 5 degrees.  Must be the gray clouds, rainy skies and wind from the north.  But I like the weather all the same, always mindful for what Mother Nature brings our way here on the mild west coast of Canada.

Thank You Spirit.

In my barely awake state I made the effort to work with Tarot and I barely got into shuffling the deck of cards when today’s visiting Tarot Card leapt from the deck to make his presence known, “XIV Temperance: Mix things up a little.  Combining separate elements to create something new.  Moderation (not too much of each flavour).  Flexibility.”  I like this card and in thinking about and looking at another deck of cards I understand Temperance a little bit more.  The opposing forces working in my life are the desire to be the road in an RV and the responsibility of working.

I have the desire and the courage and ability to hit the road in an RV however I do not have the financial means to do so or so I think.  So these forces of desire and responsibility seem to be in opposition to one another but maybe I just need to approach this seeming roadblock from a new angle.  I can get the RV as ready as possible and take off and then “fly by the seat of my pants” or I can seek and gain part time or temporary employment as I fix up the RV and then head out on weekend excursions in the RV and slowly build up a “nest egg” of sorts so I can extend those weekends into weeks, months, then years.

I think this second option is something I can live with as during this time I will also be more fully engaged with my practice and study of Wicca and Tarot, two areas that will strengthen my abilities to seek out and live life on the road in the best and fullest manner possible.  So Mote it Be.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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