
Friday, January 18, 2013

8 of Coins

I slept well but no sleeping in this morning, awoke with what sounded like a neighbour's door slamming shut and all of my sleep was gone.  I lied in bed for a little, my mind, not doing much of anything but sleep never came so I decided to get out of bed and on with my day.  Although, at one point during the night I was doubting my dream of RVing across these great lands of Canada and the US but I feel better about it this morning as I know this dream is right but my progress to live it is going to be slower than I expect or want it to be, that’s all.

Spirit is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “8 of Coins: The Factory.  Skill and mastery.  Tedious, repetitive labor.  Slow and methodical progress.”  This card so reflects my work on my handcrafted cards as well as my work on my RV but I’d have it no other way as I doing what I love to do and my finances will eventually be boosted from this slow and tedious progress. 

I’m happy and Spirit is alive and well in the world.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.


  1. Oh! I totally know how this feels! I have goals... goals I'd like to have had accomplished by this summer. Now though it seems it's going to take much longer. I'm struggling with making peace with it, but I'm working on it.

    Welcome to Pagan Pages Blog Hop!

  2. Kourtney. Thank you for your comment. Sorry that I missed it. Yes, the life we want is sometimes always just around the corner but we just keep striving for it, hoping to grasp a hold of it and say "Yes, I did it!"
