My dream is to move into my RV and live my life from the confines of this house on wheels as I travel across North America. This is my dream in a nutshell and how I do it is what it is, I guess. However getting into the RV is the most difficult challenge I’m facing at the moment. For one, I’ve let the RV sit now going on seven years. Second, I’m in an established relationship. Third, I’m living a comfortable life. Fourth, my finances suck. All of these can be overcome or worked through I’m sure but maybe I’m not ready or just too damn fearful to make the decisions that need to be made.
I slept well last night and at one point awoke to see visions of animals floating above the bed. One unidentifiable one came very close to me and it seemed kind of large, round, almost sprawled out as its legs seemed not able to carry its weight. Then a German Shepherd became clearly visible to me before I drifted off to sleep.
Thank You Spirit and Spirit Is.
Today’s visiting Tarot Card is the "9 of Swords: Unquiet Dreams. Stress. Worries. Mental tapes which play over and over." This is certainly true of me as I do ponder things a little too much and lock certain thoughts into my mind that almost haunt me on a daily basis as they are always there hiding in the shadows. But I understand this a little more today and need to develop a clear plan that outlines my goals and dreams and how I can go about achieving and living them.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
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