
Monday, November 14, 2011

Had a Good Weekend

We had a good weekend overall.  We saw Alex Cuba in concert at the Vogue Theatre in downtown Vancouver on Friday night.  The theatre filled with great energy as Alex played his music and performed for an exuberant crowd.  People were up dancing and swaying to his rhythym of Cuban fusion music.  Although he sings in his native tongue of Spanish, I thoroughly enjoyed his show as did the rest of the crowd.

The last several days I've drawn these cards as cards of the day, starting with Friday, November 11th:

3 of Coins
XXI The World
VI The Lovers
10 of Wands

As I go about shuffling the cards and cutting the deck a few times before flipping over the top card, I just clear my mind and let it go so-to-speak as I find it easier to understand the card if I do this.  My mind is filled with the energy and pulse of the card sitting on top of the deck as it waits for me to flip it over.  I'm getting quite good at understanding each individual card as they appear as well as why they appear on such and such a day.  Tarot is a great way to start my day.

That's about it for now. . . and as always thanks for stopping by for awhile. . .


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Trying To Post Once a Week

I’ll try to make a post once a week at the very least and every day at the very best.  I do have relevant things to say and valid information to provide to anyone who may be reading this, this my very haphazard blog about Wiccan, Tarot, and all things Metaphysical.

Blogging here everyday is something I can easily do considering that I randomly pull a daily Tarot card.  In addition, it helps me grow spiritually as it makes me think beyond myself and this really helps me to be and feel connected with the Universe.

So please check back often and hopefully I’ll be posting at least once a week and better yet every day.  Thanks for dropping and all the best you all!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

So Much to Write About

I could, if I wanted to write a very lengthy post but will refrain from doing so even though more than two months have passed since my last posting.  Much has changed but much has also stayed the same.

I've grown spiritually stronger and feel much more connected to the world around me.  for the first time in a long time, I feel in control of my life.  Right now I can honestly say that I am now the author of my own and boy do I like being in control.

I've refreshed myself about the world of Wicca and am doing more to grow and remain a much more spiritual and a much stronger spiritual person than ever before.  Tarot cards still play a significant and daily role in my life as do the Goddess and God that I communicate with on a daily basis--Freya and Bacchus.

I have yet to perform or formally celebrate the Full Moon and Sabbats but I always go through the motions of a ritual during one of these events so I am doing what I can to celebrate in the midst of those who do not understand or appreciate the "new" world I live in and how I choose to live and celebrate my chosen way of life.

I own an RV and my plan is to move into, travel in, and work from this RV very soon.  My RV is my sanctuary these days and the little I get to visit my RV makes those visits very special and very powerful for me even though my RV is full of tools and supplies and in a deconstructed state of remodel.

You see I am a nomad at heart and need to be on the road traveling and living life as best as I can while traveling wherever the road or wind takes me.  I have faith and know deep down that I can do this even with no apparent income source coming in or without an overflowing bank account to fall back when money is short.  But all I know is that this is the life I must live, that I will live very soon.  I feel like it is my destiny to do this and I must follow my heart on this in order to live the purposeful life I was put on earth to live.

Thanks for reading.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Wicca Back in My Life

Well, how about that, I’m still finding it difficult to post here on a regular basis and I have no excuses for not doing so either.  Well, I am at the “job” quite often and it never quite feels right to make a post when I’m serving my sentence.  I often refer to my “job” as my “prison sentence” because although it pays the bills and provides me with money to spend it tends to be a boring task sitting here doing a whole lot of nothing.

I’m kind of caught in a self-made conundrum because the “job” is not quite for me while at the same time I do not want to go out and find a job as I’d much rather pursue my passions as I’m trying to do albeit a bit late.  I should have been more gung-ho making cards and other crafts for the past three years rather than the past month.

But still all is ok in my world because I am pursuing my passions and have enough faith to now take a leap of faith and try to make it on my own.  I am trying to get into a full-fledged card-making frenzy so I can be more or less ready to retire from the “job” and strike out on my own with my home-based crafting business.

Enough business talk although, it is all related none-the-less as my spiritual pursuits are tied to my crafts and other interests such as RVing so I guess it’s ok to talk about all of these here on this blog.

I’m re-acquainting myself with Wicca and the nice thing about this is that it feels like it has never been too far from my mind or my life.  It feels like Wicca never left me although I kind of left Wicca.  Being a part of Wicca has given me renewed energy and a stronger connection to the cosmos that provides me with said energy.  It’s great to feel alive again!

As part of my re-acquaintance with Wicca I’ve gone ahead and made a few purchases of Wiccan related things including an item I’ve had my eyes on for many, many years.
I made purchases from Amazon; Llewellyn; Dragon Moon; Sacred Mists Shoppe.  I look forward to receiving all of my orders and putting everything to good use as although I studied and somewhat practiced Wicca I never cast a circle or performed any sort of ritual and this is now one of my strongest desires.

Tarot also features in my daily life and routines.  I find the messages and images of the cards to be very informative and thought-provoking as well as life-adjusting in the sense of offering timely advice and guidance when I need it most.  Thank you to the cosmos.  Thank you to all those that have come and gone before us.  Thank you to the hidden world that is all around us.  Thank you to all those that are out there but we cannot see with the naked eye.  Thank you to the otherworld that is there waiting to be discovered and explored.

And thank you to all of you for stopping by and reading my blog, our blog!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Need To Post More Frequently

Wednesday, April 6, 2011 @ 8:50PM

Tonight as I was again giving thanks for life and all of the wonderful gifts I have as I was shuffling the Tarot cards.  At one point a half dozen or more cards kind of fell away but I put them back in the deck and no more than a few seconds later did the 7 of Coins fall away form the deck.  I was contemplating putting in back in and continue shuffling the cards but something got the better of me and I decided to keep it as the card of the day, between now and some time tomorrow.

"7 of Coins: Chores.  Resting after a job well done.  Contemplating life's cycles and changes.  Planning your next move.  Clearing out what's unnecessary in your life to make room for something new".

I have to truly clear away my old ways and my old ways of thinking in order to move forward in life.  I need to get rid of bad habits such as self-doubt, anxiety, fear, worry, hatred, anger and a whole host of others in order to make room for all that is good in life including my desired RVing adventure.  Life is somewhat miserable for me although I have a lot to be thankful for and I am but bad habits, bad emotions and an almost reckless approach to life are hindering my achievement of my dreams, goals, and desires.  I need to break free of my bad ways.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Again as I was shuffling the cards and connecting to the cosmos a card fell away from the deck.  The card that desired to viewed by me is the "8 of Wands: Movement.  Everything is falling into place.  People or circumstances are aligning to facilitate the achievement of your goals.  Matters are rapidly reaching a conclusion.  A group combines their energies while maintaining individuality".

This card signifies to me that I'm truly on my own RVing adventure driving all the different highways and bi-ways of North America and what an experience it is.  What a fabulous continent we live on.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

This is the card that decided it needed to fall away from the deck as I was shuffling the cards to randomly select one for the day: "6 of Cups: Happy Birthday.  Fond memories.  A gift given in friendship or love".  I have given the description of this card some thought and nothing came to mind until I paid more attention to a movie released in 1985: Back to the Future.  In this movie I was reminded that we can accomplish pretty much anything we want to if we put our minds into it.  We need to not only believe in ourselves but our goals, we need to take ownership of ourselves and our dreams and know that they are ours to love and cherish and make happen.
And I indeed have been given a gift out of friendship or love and that is the gift of life and purpose from the Divine.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The tarot card that came to or the card I subconsciously chose is the Guide of Swords, a guardian of sorts with wings and a sword touched by the divine light.  Upholding of truth and divinity.  From the description we have: "A wider perspective.  Altruistic thoughts.  Messages from the higher self".  The message I received just before coming together with the cards is that the time to live my dreams is now!

Monday, April 11, 2011 at 9:32am

I'm not sure which card will reveal itself later on tonight but I am confident that it will as they all do have a very important message and opportunity for me to hear, follow, and act upon.  I need to be active, proactive in my pursuit of my most cherished dreams and passions.  Dreams come true as evidenced by so many examples of the people who have achieved their goals and dreams by being active participants in their own lives.  And for me to live my dreams I must follow their lead and their examples and pursue my own dreams with unrelenting fervour and determination.  My goals and dreams are my reality(ies).


So as I was shuffling my tarot cards, the cards that are friends, advisers, therapists and what not a card made itself known to me a few times so I decided to accept this card as the card of the day.  This card holds another important message for me and I will heed it to the best of my abilities.

2 of Swords: I see in this card quiet contemplation in solitude, waiting for a message from within, from a greater source of information than ourselves.  The book definition of this card is: "Meditation.  Closing your eyes to outer circumstances in order to gain perspective or to avoid a decision.  Refusing to act".

I choose to make the tough decisions and from those or that decision I choose to act.  I am moving forward with my RVing dream.  I need to act and as part of this action I need to inform others of my intention to travel, live in, and work from an RV, my RV starting some time this year.   As part of this dream I also plan to make and sell my handcrafted cards as well as other crafts and perform ventriloquism and offer spiritual services along the way.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011@ 8:53am

I am changing myself so I have a more positive mindset so I can also send out more positive energy and welcome positive energy into my life.  I welcome opportunities and success into my life.  I accept opportunities and success into my life.  I use opportunities that come my way for success.

It is a fact that I see things.  For me they are real and I have no doubt about that but because they are "unexplainable" or hard to believe by others then I must either be seeing things or have a bit of what some may call a mental illness.  Rubbish!  I welcome this energy and/or these spirits into my life.  I welcome them to interact with and communicate with me as this is a way to understand life, my purpose in life, and the meaning of life.  This energy and these spirits are here for a reason and so I therefore accept that there are here and that they are real!

This is another reason for me to change my bad behaviour and attitudes.  I miss these experiences and because I have been mostly dark and angry for the past 8 years this energy and spirit that is around us all has been shut out of my life, by me!

Last night, was probably the first time in a long while where I was feeling this energy and/or spirits about us all.  I in fact recall seeing a shadowy figure pass by a piece of artwork hanging beside the bedroom door.  And getting back to the show "Paranormal State", I now remember the hairs on the back of my neck standing up as I was listening to the presentation of evidence to the homeowners/couple that was experiencing paranormal activities in their home.  This experience proves to me that there is more to life than what the eye, the human eye can see but if we open ourselves to this world we can not just see it we can experience it as well.  I am experiencing more and more of this, what is called the "third" sight and as a result my attitude and energy signals are changing for the better by becoming more positive and welcoming to the opportunities and success that abound all around us.

This is where I am experiencing some conflict as I can make very good handcrafted cards that will sell but I also  have this spiritual side that needs my attention and nourishment.  Can I focus enough energy on both and as result be successful with both?  I spent a lot of money on materials to make handcrafted cards so I feel guilty if I abandon it all but I could also attempt to sell everything and make a little bit of the money I spent on it all back.  But then, can I earn a living from my spiritual pursuits?  Possibly yes but is that enough to rely on?  Yes and no!

HHhhmmmmm. . .

8:46PM Working with Tarot earlier this evening, about an hour ago revealed the 8 of Coins: clocks, and the guy who repairs them, meticulous work, precision work, time consuming work but worthwhile in it's own right.  The book definition of the card is: "The Factory.  Skill and mastery.  Tedious, repetitive labour.  Slow and methodical progress". 

This meaning of the card defines the way the repairs are going on the RV, slow and methodical and I can say this as my thoughts revolves around my RV these days.  But, I do like the card and I understand it's message as well.  I need to take things slow and have patience and truly understand the work I need to do so that I can achieve my goals.

I give thanks for the 8 of Coins coming to visit me tonight with it's message.  I am comforted with the knowledge it has gleaned to me.  And I must add here that I also understand that I need to work on my handcrafted cards with skill and mastery as well.

Thursday, April 14, 2011 @ 6:23pm

I missed working with Tarot yesterday but I did spend time during the day reaffirming my connection to the cosmos as well as changing my mode of thinking, my mindset, I mood, and my emotional state.

Today, I also reaffirmed my relationship with the universe/cosmos and did it through one idea/thought/communication, if you will: I am one with the cosmos/I am one.  This pulls everything into a simple phrase that creates a wonderful mindset and relationship with the cosmos.

As I worked with Tarot tonight, the Ace of Swords came out to give me a message: "An idea.  Starting to develop a an plan or strategy".

A reminder to me to continue with my plan,  as in developing it more, talking it through, fleshing it out so that is what I will do.  Maybe I will get a little bit of help from Edith and Eugene,  Three heads after all are better than one.

Eugene and I had a short but quality conversation several minutes ago.  My lip movement is minimal and the ease at which I can create a two-way conversation surprised me so I will be undertaking this exercise again tomorrow possibly even taping myself while doing it.  Good idea, no?

Friday, April 15, 2011 @ 2:44pm

As part of daily prison duties, otherwise known as my day job I may have to assist in the delivery or pick up of large printers and copiers and today was such a day.  The technician also had to do a service call at another business nearby where we had to pick up a copier so as he was attending to that I was able to roam around the Granville Island Market.  I enjoyed a handmade espresso latte as I walked around looking at different vendors that filled the market.  Many of these vendors displayed handcrafted cards that compared to or were maybe better than mine in some respects but otherwise I felt I could easily compete with those cards with my own creations.  It inspired me to work harder on making cards and selling them to help further along my RVing dream.  I have the RV and I just need to fix her up a little bit and then take her on down the road to live out my dream.

I then ventured outside of the market to visit a favourite retailer of mine "Dragonspace".  While in Dragonspace I purchased a ring and deck of "oracle" cards.  As I was browsing the store I came across a new magazine that made my heart skip a beat "True Blue Spirit Pursuit of Intuitive Living" so I picked up my complimentary copy and browsed through the pages.  As flipped the pages I knew instantly that this magazine was meant to come into my life at this time.  The best part is that the magazine is Canadian and produced on Gabriola Island.  I've read through several pages and intend to read every article to get a good grip on what the magazine has to offer and what it is all about.  What a great find or did it find me?
I've made some good discoveries over the past two days that bode well for my future.  Talking with Eugene provided me with proof, if you will, of my ventriloquial skills and visiting Granville Island boosted my desire to live more intuitively and pursue spiritual/mystical/metaphysical matters more purposefully and allow them to come fully into my life to use me as their vessel for the benefit of all mankind.

Cosmos!  Cosmos!  Cosmos!

Saturday, April 16, 2011 @ 7:10am

While enjoying my first cup of coffee of the day I'm also reading Barb Rees' book "RV Canada With Boo the Menopausal Van" and I came across a phrase she picked up out of a Leanne Womack song (I Hope You Dance) she was listening to.  The line is "I hope you give faith a fighting chance.  When you get the chance to sit or dance, I hope dance".  Then Barb writes "Give faith a fighting chance and watch the miracles appear in your life".

I now have another new mantra "I give faith a fighting chance and experience miracles in my life".

Reading Barbs book is a miracle for me as it has allowed me to renew faith in my life and yesterday when I accompanied my co-worker to a service call so that we could later on pick up a machine at another business was another miracle of faith, encouragement and knowing.  Walking around the market and seeing so many crafters/vendors/artists selling cards provided me with the hope, inspiration, and mindset to do the the same myself.  My cards are admired by others and I've been paid for the cards I've made so I can do it if I have just an ounce of faith.  Thank you Barb!  Thank you Cosmos!

7:49AM - As I was looking at, better yet, peering into my "Crystal Ball", I saw my RV as I was driving through an arid, desert-like landscape.  This image still fills my mind.  I driving on a dry, dusty dirt road in the middle of nowhere it seems but I do a destination in mind it would seem.

Selling cards and another craft or two will afford me the ability to RV across North America.  I give thanks for this miracle coming into my life.

Monday, April 18, 2011 @ 10:00am

On the tarot card front I see that I failed to record some cards that came to me over the last several days, disappointing as for a few I'm not quite sure which day they came to visit me on.

15th of April may have revealed: 7 of Coins - Chores.  Resting after a job well done.  Contemplating life's cycles and changes.  Planning your next move.  Clearing out what's unnecessary in your life to make room for something new.

16th of April may have revealed: Guide of Coins - Seeing the magic in the mundane.  Spiritual fulfillment from Nature.  Finding joy in the ordinary.

17th of April, last night revealed: XI Strength - Directing your passions rather than suppressing them, is the key. Finding healthy outlets for powerful energies.

The cosmos is really trying to get me on the right track, trying to get me to take the right path in my life so I can not only make a difference in my own life but make a difference in other people lives too!  Making and selling cards and other crafts as well as doing ventriloquism and even spiritual stuff without really doing it will make such a difference in my life that I find it hard to believe that life could be so. . .great, really! 


11 or XI is my Life Path or Master Number, the root of this number is 2.  11/XI

8:30PM I just interacted with Tarot a few minutes ago after going through my prayers/invocations/mantras while acknowledging the plants in our home.  I shuffled the cards after counting them to make sure I had 78 and then quickly cut the deck three times.  I was thinking that a totally new card will reveal itself to me and then I flipped over the top card - XI Strength: the energy of this card is very powerful for me and will be a factor over the next days, weeks, and possibly months.

XI Strength: Directing your passions rather than suppressing them, is the key. Finding healthy outlets for powerful energies. 

This is a post that I only saved as a draft back in April and I just noticed it today on August 17th and went through and edited it here and there to make it an easier read.

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

IV The Emperor

Today’s visiting card is the Emperor and what I glean from his visit to me today is that I need to continue to discipline myself and work on my crafts each and every day regardless of what might be trying to pull me away from doing so.
I’m also doing my best to take charge of my life so I am the one in control, the author of my own life, the author behind his own life’s story.
Last night I made another silk bag, this time for the very first deck of Tarot cards I purchased, the Thoth Deck by Aleister Crowley.
One more silk bag to make and each deck of cards will be protected.  Then I will move onto some of my other projects such as cards.  I will discipline myself so much so that each and every day, I work on some aspect of card-making.
I give thanks to the Cosmos.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Almost Three Months Without a Post

I cannot believe that it's been almost three months since my last posting.  Well that has to come to a stop I think.

I've been working on my spirituality all along since May 31st so I have no excuses for not blogging about my experiences.  I've been a bad boy regarding this blog.  I shall endeavor to do better and I will do better, this not blogging thing is ridiculous when it offers me so much.

As I mentioned I've been busy spiritually, metaphysically, psychically and over all in every aspect of my life.  My relationship with the cosmos, the divine source is much stronger today than it was three months ago and I think will only grow stronger as the days pass by.  The Source, the divine spark of life that's in all of us is burning ever so strong for me now I am in a new place yet I haven't traveled anywhere.  The new place is a new place of being, of living life in a total and complete oneness with all that we are.

I continue to work with Tarot on a daily basis although I miss a day here and there but I make up for it through my communication with and connection with and to the universe.

Yesterday was good day in that I made two silk pouches for two of my four decks of Tarot cards.  Making these pouches is a great experience and I feel so much better having made them.  The energy is so much stronger and better now that my cards are protected by a silk pouch.

As my spirit continues to soar my desire to make cards and actually sit down to do is stronger than ever.  I've been sitting down for a few minutes here and there for the past four or five days working on some aspect of card making.  I've even worked a few rounds on my spool-knitting projects too!  I mustn't forget the masks I'm working either.  My projects are slowly taking over in my life and boy do I ever enjoy the feeling this brings over me.

Tomorrow will bring a new post and as always, thanks for stopping by. . . blessed be!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Lots Going On and All of It Good

Well over a month since I last posted here and I think although my intention is t post frequently if not daily this almost two month absence is a good thing.

I’ve done a lot of soul searching and spiritual cleansing in this time figuring exactly what I want to do with my life, what I want to be when I grow up and in so doing I know what it is I want to do and where my place in the world is.

I know that I am a nomad.  I know that I get easily bored doing one thing or staying in one place for too long and I know that although life is pretty darned good for me where I am I also know that it can and will be so much better if I follow my dreams and deepest passions.

I will go into this in more detail later but I just needed to make a post here so my blog stays fresh and up to date.  I will try to post more frequently but I want my posts to be worth reading and more spiritual and natural than they have been and I think I’m on track to start doing that soon but not quite yet.

Thanks for stopping by and all the best to you all.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What is the Tarot Card for Tuesday, March 29th, 2011?

What is the Tarot Card for Tuesday, March 29th, 2011?

The Guide of Swords: A wider perspective.  Altruistic thoughts.  Messages from the higher self.

Yesterday's card is the Sage of Wands and the day before that it is XX Beyond Judgement.  The Ace of Cups came previously as did the Youth of Swords, XI Strength, Ace of Swords, Man of Wands, IV Emperor, XVIII The Moon, Youth of Wands, and XIV Temperance on the 16 of March.  I missed drawing a card on the 20th of March.

Mind and creativity, the mental life and the creative life or creative side of life, hhhmmmm. . .

Also, what are my thoughts and beliefs about psychic abilities and tarot cards:

I believe in psychic abilities.  I believe that some people are capable of seeing into the past, future, even the present in ways that do indeed defy logic but are ever so real.  I believe that people are capable of connecting with energies and powers far greater than we can imagine and in so doing are capable of seeing what many of us may fear or wish we could do.

Tarot cards at one time scared me but today I think they open doors and windows to things we need to know to make right decisions in our own lives and in the lives of others.  Tarot cards are windows to the world beyond, a world that is not so much invisible as we close our minds to being able to see it.  This world is fluid and malleable, we can change our destiny by making right choices and tarot cards can help us do that.

Being psychic and having the Sight that Tarot helps to use are gifts I accept, love, and will nurture forever more.  No longer will I deny my desire to use such gifts for the betterment of mankind, myself included.  I am a spiritual being  and through my spirit, I celebrate my humanity.

I am one with the Divine Mind.  My thoughts are the thoughts of God.  God's love flows through me.

As the eternal cosmos knows so to do I know the vast cosmos.  Through my spirit, doors to the eternal truths and mysteries are opened, showing me the way.

I have the Sight.  I see into the past, present and future.  I can see others' thoughts but do nothing with such powers unless asked to do so by those whose thoughts I see.  I see auras and the energy of the universe as it is and is around each and every one of us.

I vibrate in unison with the universe/cosmos.  I am One.

I am financially wealthy.  I am wealthy in mind, body, and spirit.

The meaning of life will come to you when you look beyond yourself. . .and only you know how to do this. . .

Today, I woke up a different person, a very different person from the one who went bed last night.  Today, I am changed, changed for the better, changed because I have moved beyond myself, life is no longer self-centred, but rather humanity-centred.  Life is about the beyond and how I can help to make the world a better place.

I'm an RVer, Ventriloquist, Model Railroader, Musician, Religious Leader, and Political Adviser.  Those whom I interact with walk away changed for I speak not from myself but from the Beyond.  I speak with and through Love, Hope, Truth, Compassion, Caring, and, Sincerity.  My words are the Words of God.  God's Love Flows Through me.

My RV is my Home, is my Temple and I need to treat her with much Love and Respect.  I need to live my life Passionately with the Universe by my side, if you will.

I've got a couple of chapters of the "Psychic Tarot" under my belt and reading the book has prompted me to try and create a new home for my Tarot Cards.  I have scribbled a couple of ideas down on paper and will start working on new boxes tonight for each deck of Tarot Cards I have, four new homes for my decks of cards will be created.  At least, I hope so!

Three of the boxes should be the same size as two decks are I think, identical in size, one deck is much smaller than the other three, and one deck is larger than the other three.  I will try to create three identical boxes, identical in size only, so that there is some consistency when they are put away and not in use such as when I am driving the RV from one location to another.

The tarot cards should be wrapped or covered in black silk and this is where I have a hang-up as I'm not quite sure how to go about this.  I can make pouches or smaller scarves, or line the boxes with silk in such a way that each deck is surrounded by silk.  I need to give this some more thought, actually I need to just let these ideas gestate for awhile and I will know what I need to do well soon enough, I am certain.

I am one with the Divine Mind.  My thoughts are the Thoughts of God.  God's Love Flows Through me.

Wednesday 30, 2011 the card that came to visit me is the Guide of Wands: Feeling possessed by a creative project or inspiration.  Being inspired to help others.  Doing what's right.

Last night, after our guest went home we cleaned up and then I tried to relax a little bit before working with Tarot.  Last night was Friday, April 1, 2011, April Fool's Day.  I gave thanks for the two day's previous card, the Guide of Wands as I recanted my "mantras", shuffled the deck of cards as usual before cutting them three times.  The card that revealed itself is VI The Lovers:  A relationship is always a mingling of differences.  A powerful relationship.  Seeing both sides of an issue.  Flexibility.

This card reminds me somewhat of the ying and yang of life, of so many things in life, relationships included.  The imagery of the card is of night and day, the sun and the moon, light and dark, and of the need of each for the other.  Without light there can be no dark, the moon cannot be without the sun as the sun cannot be without the moon.  Life is of give and take.  Life is of being flexible and being able to be on both sides of the equation. 

Understanding the complexities yet simplicities of life is key to understanding our purpose here as well as the meaning of life.  We need to often go beyond our humanity and the human equation to find what we are looking for, for life knows what we all need even before we know ourselves.

Tonight’s card that found me is the 10 of Swords: You choose the script.  You can choose to plug yourself into a negative viewpoint, or to unplug yourself from one.  The end of a bad situation.  Finality.  Hysterical overreaction.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I'm busy trying to create new spaces for my tarot cards and as I am doing so I am also trying to hold a couple of different decks in my hands at various times.  This morning was no different and as I holding and looking at the, what I call my whimsical deck of cards, I started to shuffle them and just start looking at the cards.  The first card I came upon at the bottom of the deck is the "Ace of Pentacles".  My first impression of the card is a "helping hand from the universe".  I felt like the cosmic forces were helping in financial or even my earthly goals, if you will".

In the book that came with the cards their definition of the Ace of Pentacles is this:

"This card heralds good luck with new business endeavours and acknowledgment for a job well done.  This is a great time to apply for new work or seek a promotion.  Enjoy--and demand--life's pleasures.  also, don't let self-doubt get the best of you.  Money may become tight.  Beware of reckless irresponsible people.  Surround yourself with colleagues looking out for your best interests."

The card is represented by an image of a large hand, a hand I refer as the cosmic or divine hand holding onto a large coin.  A leafed vine is wrapped around the wrist and 9 stars or flowers surround the entire image.

Monday, April 4, 2011, 8:04PM

A card came to mind this morning.  The Ace of Cups was calling out to me this morning just before breakfast.  I like the imagery of this card as it appears in the Gay Tarot: a top hat and a goblet sharing water and a radiant energy. over a pond covered in several lily pads and lotus blooms.

For tonight, let's see what card will present itself to me.  How about X The Wheel of Life.  Yes, moving to the centre where things move a little slower.  This is certainly something I need to do. What lies behind me and what lies ahead?  What part of me is sending me a message?  My past or future self.  Well, before coming to sit down and work with Tarot, I grabbed myself a snack and as I was returning an item to the freezer what I envisioned or saw was the refrigerator in my RV, how about that?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011 @ 6:29PM

The card that revealed itself to me just a few moments ago is XVIII The Moon.  A very nice card: two enjoying each other's intimate company under the moonlight.  A sense of mystery and sexual creativity fill the air. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

February 26th to March 28th

February 26th to March 28th
Feb 26th - Ace of Wands, a creative inspiration
Feb 27th - 3 of Swords, The Wreckage
Feb 28th - 0 The Fool, a journey of self-discovery
March 1st - 7 of Wands, Fighting the wind
March 2nd - 3 of Cups, A good time; also XII The Hanged Man, Living in the moment
March 3rd - 5 of Swords, The Tennis Game, being overly competitive
March 4th - 7 of Coins, Chores
March 5th - 5 of Cups, The Aftermath, regret over past actions
March 6th - XVIII The Moon, a sense of mystery
March 7th - 9 of Wands, Don't mess with me
March 8th - 4 of Cups, The Audition

Along with working with Tarot, I'm also trying to remember and record the dreams I have.  I find that everything is connected and I need to do all I can to keep in contact with the universe around me.  The energy that we are is awesome and recognizing this energy and that we are a part of and that we are a part of a greater whole is both empowering and enlightening.  How can we not engage with this energy.  It is so electrifying and full of life, it is unbelievably amazing.

I've felt pretty darned lazy the last several days and have been watching television rather than working on cards or other crafts or ventriloquism.  Actually, I was trying to make a birthday card for my Baby but found myself struggling to do so.

I'm seeing the messages being sent to me but not really comprehending what they are or what they mean.  I need to forget television and instead focus on creating my life by paying attention to the words of wisdom I'm receiving from the world around me.  Recognizing and understanding these messages is the key to improving my life and my situation in life, if I can say it like this.  I need to meditate, breathe, relax and be receptive to the energy that swirls about and through me.  The messages are there I just need to learn how to read and understand them, to put in human terms.

On the commute to work this morning, the young woman beside me was reading her Bible and that got me to thinking that I need to bring my Bibles with me when I embark upon my RVing adventure.  This thought went even further in that I should read the Bible in order to gain a better understanding of what I am supposed to be doing in this life.  The messages as I said before are right in front of me and the only barrier to understanding them is me.

Wednesday, March 9th - X The Wheel of Life

The Wheel of Life has come up before, before or after I had a dream about me and my RV.  I find this quite curious as part of this cards meaning, if you will, is "guidance from your future or past self".  And, if I am to be frank and honest with myself, life on the rim, is, indeed, making me dizzy, so I really should be moving to the centre.

Thursday, March 10th - 8 of Wands, Movement, everything is falling into place; people or circumstances are aligning to facilitate the achievement of your goals; matters are rapidly reaching a conclusion; a group combines their energies while maintaining individuality.

Oh, how I hope this latest message from Tarot puts me into my RV sooner rather than later.  It has been 23 years since I first wanted to be an RVer, ten years since I thought I could do it, and now going on five years since I purchased an RV.  I need to live the life I feel is right for me, the life I'm meant to live.  Back in 1988, I wished, desired prayed to be able to be in an RV and write about my experiences as I traveled throughout North America and here we are twenty-three years later where hundreds of RVers are doing just that and I'm not one of them.  Twenty-three years of missed opportunities because of my lack of passion, conviction, focus, and unwillingness to work hard to achieve my goals.

Messages are coming to me loud and clear and I am still sitting on my hands doing nothing.  The universe around me is working it's butt off trying to help me achieve my goals and I do nothing to make it happen.  I need to take action and then everything will fall into place.  Perhaps, though, this latest Tarot card is a strong indicator that things have moved slightly beyond my control and that the universe is going to make it happen one way or another.  I hope I can handle what is to come.

Right now I really desire to take charge of and write my own story of my life instead of merely being a side-line observer of it.  My life matters and is meaningful enough for me to take control of it and live my life's desires as I see fit.  I, then will be able to sink or swim on my own and see what I can make of myself without having to be dependent on another.  I need to get off my ass and start supporting myself and making my life count.  I have a purpose and it is high time that I start fulfilling that purpose.

With the few dreams I've been having as well as the messages I believe I'm receiving from the universe I feel optimistic about moving into and living full time in my RV.  It feels like it has already happened and I'm just catching up to the universe's actions.

This morning, this morning being Saturday, March 12th I worked with Tarot and had a great experience with it.  As I shuffled cards and connected with the universe within and all around me a card fell away from the deck, flipping over to reveal X The Wheel of Life.  I was going to take this card as the card of the day but I was struck with the need to put it back into the deck and continue shuffling so I did.  Again, as I was shuffling, another card fell away from the deck, this time the card being XIII Death and again I felt I was asked to return the card to the deck.  I shuffled some more and then cut the deck three times before flipping over the top card.  The top card is IV The Emperor.  My recollections of seeing this card before and what the possible interpretations of this card are were quite accurate.  Then I was struck with the idea that I should look at the next two cards on top of the deck.  The next card I flipped over was X The Wheel of Life and the third, XIII Death.  I found this to be an amazing and beautiful occurrence.  These cards are quite potent for the day as they all come from the Major Arcana.

Depending how I want to reflect on them, IV Emperor could be the first or last card as could X The Wheel of Life.  Either way, XIII Death is the second card in this trio of cards.

IV The Emperor: Sometimes one must be a benevolent despot.  Organization.  Taking charge.  An authority figure.  Utilizing discipline to provide a structure for creativity.

X The Wheel of Life: If life on the rim makes you dizzy, move to the centre.  Awareness of the cycles of life.  Equanimity.  A change in fortunes.  Guidance from your future or past self.

XIII Death: Endings are beginnings.  A phase of life is over.  Allowing time to mourn.  A part of yourself has outlived its usefulness.

I'm trying to think, and maybe that's the problem, about what part of me has outlived it's usefulness.  I think I understand the part about the phase of life that is over and can easily handle moving onto and into the next phase of my life.  I can also see endings as beginnings such as the end of my relationship where in all actuality I know it most likely ended long ago and we're just going through the motions.

Utilizing discipline to provide structure for creativity makes sense as well and I know exactly where I can apply this and that is in making cards and other crafts, practising ventriloquism, as well as repairing and moving into and traveling full time in my RV.  Organization is all a key factor in my success in achieving my goals, dreams, and desires.

Sunday, March 13th

VII Swords: The Messenger, Carrying your plans through obstacles.  Speed is important.  Someone brings news or a message.  Carelessness.

I cannot say for sure but I somehow think I had a dream about the RV and what I should do regarding her.  The message I think I heard is "go for it".  I have a vague recollection of a dream that involved traveling in the RV, a message perhaps, from my future self?

I also realized as I was again thinking about planned remodels to the RV that I can now add a battery bank alongside the planned rotation of the water tank.  I can add 2 x 6 volt batteries to work along with the "house" battery under the hood.  Not sure if that can work or not but I will try to make it work somehow.  We shall see what I can make happen with the funds I have at hand.

Last night, the 14 of March I drew card number VIII from the Major Arcana, Justice: Even today, gays can be the victims of "justice".  An unfair judgment.  Being too judgmental or righteous.  Feeling restricted by other's expectations.

Last night I finally realized the part of me that has outlived it's usefulness, the part of me that is always worried about what others are doing and thinking particularly when I perceive it to be about my life and the way I live it.  My actions or lack there of are always checked against what other's may think of me and this I now realize is not the right way to live, it is no way to live.  I must learn to do that which is right for me regardless of the thoughts or opinions of others.  I'm my own person and I want to live as a poor man in an RV doing that which pleases me regardless of how downtrodden my life may become as a result of my/such actions.

I need to start living for myself.

Tuesday, the 15th of March and the card that showed up is the 3 of cups: A Good Time.  Happy, comfortable times together.  Quiet enjoyment.  celebration. 
This is the perfect card for the night I/we had.  A quiet night, sitting warmly in our home in front of a roaring fireplace, as roaring as a gas fireplace can be, and listening to the wind and rain on a dark and stormy night.

Wednesday, the 16th of March revealed card XIV Temperance: Mix things up a little.  Combining separate elements to create something new.  Moderation (not too much of each flavour).  Flexibility.

Tonight, The Youth of Wands fell away from the deck as I was shuffling it.  My thought(s) swirled around the RV and my going out to execute repairs on her with the eventual goal of driving off into the unknown.  This card also came up the last time my thoughts swirled around the RV so there is a message I must hear and take into account as I try to live out my dreams, passions, and goals.  The Youth of Wands is about focusing attention on something.

Reaching for a goal from a possibly unsteady foundation.  I do realize my foundation is not very steady and that is what has held me back for so long and I am beyond holding myself back these days.  I know I could be a lot better off if I focused on this goal early on as I would most likely be living in an RV by now considering this was my biggest goal back in 1988 but as is the case many a time, life got in the way.  I allowed myself to be easily influenced into following the pack and look where it's got me, waiting almost 25 years to live my dream.

No more!  Unsteady foundation or not I plan to move ahead with my goal as carefully as I can so as not to stop before it starts.  I take one step at a time, granted some of those steps may be leaps and bounds but I will do my best to be careful, thoughtful, diligent, focused, and patient as I move ahead with this dream of mine.

I was reading "Travels with Miranda", a blog written by a Canadian gal by the name of Rae and she had some L.E.D replacement bulbs given to her, no big deal, but actually, yes, as they can be used in the existing lighting fixtures in many an RV.  I hope I can find some that will fit into mine then I only need by bulbs instead of an entire new light fixture.  My plan was to replace all of my light fixtures but if I can just replace the bulbs I'll do that instead as the fixtures are a little pricey.  If I remember, I paid about $40 for the new fixture I put up to replace the old ceiling fixture in the galley.

Today, I took the day off and did things related to RVing.  Today is Friday, March 18, 2011.  I did not do a lot regarding the RV but enough to feel comfortable with what I did.  I would have done more but I did not bring everything I needed with me from home such as a pair of scissors, an x-acto knife and a cutting mat.  Without these items I could not apply the DiSeal Tape to the leaky area of the RV that I am focusing on at the moment.  I go back to work on Monday but then have Tuesday off because it is March 22 and my birthday.
I finished up at the RV and drove over to Wal-mart, had lunch at McDonalds, picked up some tank tops for my partner and myself and a few underwear for me and then came home.  I unpacked, did a few things and then headed to the gym.  I arrived back from the gym not long ago and just finished working with Tarot.

The card that revealed itself today is XVIII, The Moon: Sexuality pulls us into a different, non-rational world which is sometimes frightening, always creative.  A sense of mystery.  Creative ideas which gestate in the subconscious.  Sexuality or sex.
Saturday, March 19th is IV The Emperor: Sometimes one must be a benevolent despot.  Organization.  Taking charge.  An authority figure.  Utilizing discipline to provide a structure for creativity.

Sunday, March 20, 2011 the first day of spring is here once again.  Happy Ostara to all.  Last night was another full moon and the moon was/is at one of it's closest moments to the Earth.  I missed it even though we were out last night until past 10:00PM.

The tarot card that revealed itself tonight is the Man of Wands: Someone who likes to fix problems, and/or who thrives on unstable or dangerous situations.  "The Establishment".  Keeping the peace.  An image of a police officer holding his baton in one hand and tapping it on the other.  Wands represent the element fire and deal with the creative life.  What is this all about?  What does "The Establishment" mean to me?

Another beautiful day here on this beautiful planet I get to call home.  Although, the day started on an awkward if not rough note at work the day is coming to a fine close.  The light rain that has been falling on and off all day was very nice to walk in on my way to and from work.  I really quite enjoy it and as is more often than not this weather made me desire to be in my RV.  Living and trying to work from an RV will not necessarily make my life any better than it is but I just feel such a strong need to embark on this type of madness and have to do it no matter the consequences.  I need to experience life in an RV.

I just finished working with Tarot and the card that revealed itself to me is the Youth of Cups: Youthful emotions.  Daydreaming.  Shyness.  I like the appearance of this card for today and tomorrow it feels good to have it sitting in front of me.

I started to read "Psychic Tarot written by Nancy Antenucci tonight and when the news came on at 10PM I lay the book down beside me.  At one point I glanced down at the book and I was amazed to see a ball of white light float just above the sofa and directly into the book.  As I returned to read the book what I was reading echoes what I wrote several paragraphs ago.  I am mesmerized at how serendipitous my journey is.  This spiritual awakening I am experiencing, altering my life right before my eyes.  How great it is to bear witness to changes taking place within me.  So mote it be!

Happy Birthday to Me!  Today is Tuesday, March 22, 2011 and forty-five years ago today I was lucky enough to be born.  Tonight the card that revealed itself to me is the Ace of Swords:  An idea.  Starting to develop a plan or strategy.

And as I was shuffling the cards, the Man of Wands gave me another peak at him, almost flipping over but not quite all the way.  So this card is also of some influence today.  This guy appeared two days ago and now that I reviewed this card it is "The Establishment" that is coming out from this card again.

"The Establishment"?  What shall I make of this?

Last night as I was drifting off to sleep I imagined myself and then felt myself fall asleep on my bed in the RV. I first pictured the walls and curtains in my little cocoon of a bedroom and then of myself lying in bed and then I was out before waking up a few hours later, not getting quite comfortable enough to fully get into a deep sleep, tossing and turning most of the time until the alarm rang out in the fresh morning air (of our bedroom).

The day was nice with a bit of sun, quite a bit of sun really and fairly warm temperatures.  After the delayed dentist appointment I came home, changed and walked over to the gym.  Came home was greeted by my partner, then I had a snack, watched a bit of news, warmed up leftovers for dinner, just finished my shower and now I'm working with Tarot.

Today, of course, is the 23rd of March and the card that revealed itself today by falling out of the deck as I was shuffling it is XI Strength: Directing your passions rather than suppressing them, is the key.  Finding healthy outlets for powerful energies.

With spiritual matters, I find that I love to preach, I guess I need my very own soapbox on which to stand to speak to the masses.

Traveling is sheer joy for me.  I feel the love of God flow through me as I drive down the highway finding so much amazement in the things streaking by.  The journey is key for me, the destination is just a nice bonus but it is the drive for me that can't be beat.

The card for Thursday, March 24th fell away from the deck and is the Youth of Swords: Curiosity.  Research.  Computers, e-mail.  Immature communications.  Spying (or "hacking").  A very fitting card for the day as I was curious, used my computer for e-mails and some immature communications.

Saturday, March 26, 2011 is here, no special day really but special all the same because I woke up to enjoy it.  I try and be thankful, grateful, and appreciative of each and every day I wake up in the morning 'cause I've been allowed to lived yet another day.

Today, Saturday's card is the Ace of Cups and another perfect card for this day: A gift of love.  The beginning of a love affair, friendship or partnership.  The Ace of Cups is another beautiful card in the Gay Tarot deck.  I love the imagery on most of the cards in the deck and this one is no different, a goblet, a top hat, the golden energy of the universe full of friendliness and love, a pond with lilies and flowers, how beautiful.

Took out two of my other Tarot decks and shuffled the Rider Tarot deck and the card that revealed itself from this deck is VII The Chariot: Succour, providence, also war, triumph, presumption, vengeance, trouble.  Also potential for riot, quarrel, dispute, litigation, defeat.

Today, the 27th of March revealed XX Beyond Judgement: Self-acceptance must come before liberation.  Freedom from others' expectations.  Trying to make conditions better for others.  Altruism.  Pride.  Self-acceptance.

I also worked with the small tarot deck I picked up at Chapters and the card that revealed itself from that deck is the IV of Wands: Social life and activity come to the forefront.  Don't get stuck in old behaviour patterns.  If you come to a fork in the road, keep your eyes open for all options.  Past efforts and labour bring rewards.  Also, possibility for the need to try and appreciate what you have; don't let envy into your life; errors in judgment are likely when emotions cloud reason; do you really think someone is taking advantage of you?  Think about it.

I cannot liberate myself unless I accept myself for who I am.  I must be accepting of myself if I want others to accept me for being me.  SO I need to get over myself, realize I am who I am and then move on and my liberation will soon follow.

Today's card, this being Monday, March 28th, is the Sage of Wands: Wanting to change the world.  Changing your environment by winning others to your viewpoint.  Critical acclaim.  Politics.

Wanting to change the world is something I've wanted to do all my life as far back as I can remember.  I've never been satisfied with the world I live in because of all the competitiveness and greed that permeates our society here and around the world.  I've never been able to understand how we allow human suffering to take place when it seems so simple of a solution make a difference in the world of someone in need.  And what is the value of money.

How could we have invented something that causes so much misery, death, destruction, and starvation.  We have robbed ourselves of such wonderful lives it's just pathetic.  An example, here's one for you.  We have more than enough food to go around yet people continue to starve.  and why?  Money!  How can we feed the starving?  Just ship the god-damned food to them and be done wit it!  That's how!!!!!!
I do not have a simplistic view of the world at all, it's just that we have made it more complicated than it really is or even should be.  Money gets in the way of life and gets in the way of living.

As I was thinking spiritually, a need to find where I put my most recent book purchase came to mind.  "Psychic Tarot" is a book that tonight, I realized I must really read now!  So it is here sitting beside me as I write this, waiting for me to pick it and read through its pages.  The book will help me more than I can imagine right now.

Thanks for stopping by and reading this lengthy post. . .

Thursday, March 3, 2011

My new mantra is to create the life I want instead of merely reacting to it!

February 21, 2011
5 of Coins: Hard Times.  Material difficulties.  Lack of money.  People in adversity helping each other.

                 : That is the entry for the 5 of Coins but what I feel when I look at the card is one young man helping  another and although times seem to difficult in the present moment, better times are ahead.

February 22, 2011
XIV Temperance: Mix things up a little.  Combining separate elements to create something new.  Moderation (not too much of each flavour).  Flexibility.

February 23, 2011
Guide of Coins: Seeing the magic in the mundane.  Spiritual fulfillment from nature.  Finding joy in the ordinary.

February 24, 2011
Man of Coins: Responsible and hardworking.  Reliable.  Dependable.

February 25, 2011
10 of Coins: History.  A knowledge of and appreciation for history.  Seeing your concerns in a larger context.  Seeing your life as a story, who is the author?

Seeing these cards this week I have gained a greater appreciation for my life and the direction I am headed. 

Tarot is proving to be such a great benefit to my life I cannot find words to express how I feel about what is transpiring in my life these days.  I know the direction I want to head in and I am doing my best to create the life I want and not merely react to it and by the same token I am the author to my own story instead of allowing someone else to write the story of my life.  I'm taking ownership and authorship of my life and for this I give my thanks to the universe around me.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

To fully live, one must create a life, not merely react to it!

Sage of Swords -February 14th

The judge is sitting at his bench and weighing his choices.  Being a sage, he is sure to make a wise and sound decision without be too judgmental.  He might even be a mediator in a dispute.

Although the day was cloudy and rainy and continues to be so, as our evening slowly draws to a close it has been a great day overall.  I completed more entries into Simply Accounting and am pretty darned close to completing my paperwork for 2010.  I'm actually feeling quite good these days when I think of myself as a home-based business person.  I'm reading a book about selling crafts and it is part of the reason I'm feeling this way, I think!

The book is The Complete Idiots Guide to Selling Your Crafts and was written by Chris Franchetti Michaels.  I am hoping to be inspired by the book so that I can come up with good business practices that will allow me to sell my goods while traveling down the highways of North America in my RV.  Actually, I've got good ideas so far and I'm sure more ideas are on their way.  I need to create a logo for my business and this is the only area I find myself stumped.

XV Self-Hatred - February 15th

"The trap to avoid for all minorities.  Unconsciously accepting societal norms.  Low self-esteem.  Looking at a photo of a typical family:husband and wife and two children, a boy and girl and feeling that is just not you but knowing that is what is expected of you."

This same card, XV Self-Hatred appeared just five days ago on February 10th and it reappearing last night must have significance especially, considering the meaning of the card itself and my dreams and goals in particular.  I am falling into the trap I am longing to avoid and/or break away from.  I take it that my struggle is not going so well.  I do indeed then, need to take drastic measures.

5 of Coins - February 16th

"Hard Times.  Material difficulties.  Lack of money.  People in adversity helping each other."

I The Magician - February 17th

"To fully live, one must create a life, not merely react to it.  Creativity.  Ability.  Making something happen."

Friday, February 18, 2011

As I was working with Tarot and shuffling my cards in the midst of shuffling four cards flipped out of the deck together and the immediate thought that entered my mind was the significance of this happening.  I found my little "Fortune Telling Mat and laid the cards out as they appeared when they flipped over as a pack:

What's at Hand: X The Wheel of Life
Past Influences: Guide of Wands
Ponder This: 2 of Wands
What To Do: Youth of Wands

Since my mind has been on RVing and the direction of my life lately, and what to do about it, I thought that this spread is applicable to these two thoughts.  Also, as I looked back at the cards as they fell this week a storyline as what I need to do with my life has I do believe, developed.

But firstly let's discuss last night's cards:

X Wheel of Life: "If life on the rim makes you dizzy, move to the centre.  Awareness of the cycles of life.  Equanimity.  A change in fortunes.  Guidance from your future or past self."

Guide of Wands: "Feeling possessed by a creative project.  Being inspired to help others.  Doing what's right."

2 of Wands: "Confidence.  Being the king of your castle.  Preparing the ground for a new venture.  The dawn of an adventure."

Youth of Wands: "Focusing attention on something.  Reaching for a goal from a possibly shaky foundation."

Considering that the first card comes from the Major Arcan and the last three from one suit I believe this to quite the powerful message being sent my way and well received by me.  My life and living my life is at hand in this moment and I need to act in order to live.  Also, Wands are fire and the creative life so my life in all of its aspects must reflect that fire and creative life in order for me to live my truly and to the fullest extent possible.

The two appearances of XV Self-Hatred and the appearance of I The Magician are pointing at taking action and the steps necessary if I want to achieve and experience life as well as give my life to the world around me and affect and maybe even effect others along the way.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

VII The Chariot: "Among the highs and lows of life, make sure you enjoy the highs.  At the top of one's game.  Seizing an opportunity.  Having everything under control (barely)."

This has been an amazing week for me.  I have come to realizations and expanded my knowledge of Tarot, Intuition, and Psychic abilities.  The title of this blog comes from I The Magician from one of my Tarot decks and is something I plan to do with my life.  I am so glad I read it and read it this week because this past week has been one where each and every Tarot card revealed to me has had a huge impact on my life.

I give you many thanks fro choosing to read my blog.  Take care until we see each other next time. . .

Monday, February 14, 2011

Lot's of Catching Up to Do

I really did not think it had been so long so my last blog entry but here I am writing my next blog entry almost three weeks after the last one.

I thought I was going to do better at this but it looks like I still need to dedicate more time and focus to my blogging albeit after I dedicate time to all things in the metaphysical realm.

Since my last entry:

Jan 27th - Ace of Cups
Jan 28th - Guide of Wands
Jan 29th - 7 of Wands: thought of this card when going to bed
Jan 30th - Youth of Swords
Jan 31st - 2 of Coins:Tai Chi
Feb 1st- 6 of Coins
Feb 2nd - 9 of Coins
Feb 4th - Man of Cups
Feb 6th - V The Priest
Feb 7th - 9 of Cups:Serendipity
Feb 9th - Sage of Wands
Feb 10th - XV Self-Hatred

I'm sure there is a pattern in the cards whether as single card or a grouping of cards over a matter of days, a week, weeks, or a month or more but I will need to take some time to study and reflect on this if I expect to find an answer to my hypothesis.

I think an idea that just came to mind is a good one and I will strive to follow through with it and that is to do a weekly review of the cards that revealed themselves to me throughout the previous week.  I will make it a goal and see how far I get with it.

Since last night, Thursday, February 10th I've had a realization that XV Self-Hatred is a very telling card.  In fact all of the cards I receive each day I work with Tarot are sending me an overwhelming message that I still need to break free of the trap I still find myself in.  As much as I thought I had broken free of the chains that society has trapped me in could be further from the truth.  The chains are still wrapped around me and hold me back from the freedom I desperately seek.  The chains tightly bind me and I need to take drastic measures if I am determined to find my freedom.

The 9 of Cups may make what I am saying a little bit off but I am not and the neither is the card wrong for it reflects my closeness to the freedom I seek on each of the days it decides to pop up.  I am so very close to the freedom I desire that I can taste it in my mouth and smell it with my nose but it is the next step that I must take that is proving to be the most difficult.  I am at the threshold of the prison door and all I need to do is step through it to the freedom that awaits me with arms open wide.

What is it that is holding me back?


Being totally unprepared?

Fear of The Unknown?

Tonight's card, tonight being Friday, February 11th is the 5 of Wands:The Hockey Game.  The project meets resistance; testing one's ideas against others; an enjoyable struggle; competition in the marketplace.

An interesting appearance after my thoughts turned to the question(s) I asked just above.  Am I really fearful of something or am I just reluctant to head into the unknown.  Am I afraid of success, perhaps?

This evening, the evening of Saturday, February 12, 2011 I worked with Tarot and V The Priest revealed itself to me.  The Priest denotes that the best way to help others is to help them make their own decisions.  It is also about wisdom, advice, a promise, and a ceremony or ritual.

I spent part of the afternoon reading "Discover Your Psychic Type written by Sherrie Dillard and so far I have enjoyed all that I have read.  I stopped reading because I came to the questionnaire that she has designed to help people like me discover what my "psychic" type is so that I may be better able to develop my natural intuitive abilities, intuitive abilities that we all possess.  I cannot wait to answer the questions and find out what my "psychic" type is.  It is a very exciting time for me right now.  XV Self-Hatred has rejuvenated my spiritual self and I think I am closer to truly knowing what I need to do in this life.  How great it is!

Yes, the direction my life must take is becoming clearer and clearer each and every day and sometimes painfully so.  Decisions were made years ago and those decisions were probably not the best ones I could have made back then and most likely should not have made.  Leaving the church is still a good decision and my life is much freer because of that but I should have started doing what I am doing now back then and I would be a stronger person for it and in a much better place.  Even the RV would be in better shape than it is today.  But, alas I must not live in the past or with regrets and instead continue to live in this moment for it is the only time this moment will exist and I must be and am thankful for this moment I now have before me.

Monday, February 14, 2011.  Happy Valentine's Day.  I hope that this is not the only day we pay special tribute to our love of those that we love and who love us back.  May this be one of the 365 days that we hold our love and our loved ones dear and close to our hearts.

Last night, Sunday, February 13, 2011 just before going to bed and unfortunately a last minute decision I remembered to work with Tarot, almost an afterthought really, and the card that revealed itself to me is the 3 of Wands:Leaving the nest.  What must I now release that needs to venture out on it's own?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Ten Years Since my first Tarot Deck

January 18th - IV The Emperor
January 19th/20th - V The Priest
January 22nd - 7 of Cups, The Bookstore
January 23rd - 9 of Cups, Serendipity

Last night I was watching television as I was shuffling the cards and as much as I was paying attention to what was on TV I was also giving thanks to the world around me, the four elements and all of the spiritual energy that is us.  I then muted the TV and proceeded to focus on Tarot.  Good thoughts, joy, peace, love, and happiness filled my mind, body, and spirit.

The card that appeared was as you can see from the list above is the 9 of Cups.  Each of the cards listed above are quite relevant for the day they appeared as well as all the time since as are all of the card I have selected over the past ten years that I have been working on and off with Tarot.  Ten years have gone by since I purchased my first deck of tarot cards maybe a little longer.  I really cannot believe that much time has passed us by.

But time is unimportant in the bigger scheme of things and life is such a wonder that I try to live each day to the fullest and to the best of my abilities.

Thanks for stopping by and until next time I bid you peace. . .

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Parade

Hello again!

As is sometimes the case I allowed weekend activities to get in the way of my working with Tarot.  Ashamedly, I did not even think about working with Tarot the entire weekend.

Last night, I happily sat down with my Tarot cards, closing my eyes and giving thanks to and communicating with the world around me and all the energy and spirit that is with us all.  As I shuffled the cards, I felt like I was sitting on air, floating about as I allowed the energy of the Tarot to fill me up and a random card find it's way to the top of the deck.

The card that appeared is the 6 of Wands - conviction, standing up for one's self, admiration, acclaim, and pride.  As I reflect on this and the other cards that have come up in past and some of those cards repeatedly so I find that the message I am receiving is that I really need to communicate with myself in order to fully understand my purpose and how I am supposed to express myself in this and to this world I live in.

I am not sure if I ever mentioned this but I often think of myself as a teacher but as I think this I am confused as to what it is I am supposed to be teaching.  And as often as I feel like I am a teacher I also feel like I need to be a/the student as well.  Perhaps, I need to teach myself and then my future will become clearer to me.

I will continue to study and reflect on the tarot cards as well as my purpose and destiny in life.

Thanks for listening, I bid you peace.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Cards Falling From the Deck

I'm taking the cards falling from the deck as a good form of energy and communication.  On the evening of Wednesday, February 12th as I was shuffling my deck of card the Ace of Wands fell away from the deck - creative inspiration.  The randomly selected card is XVII The Star - spirit is real.

Now that I have a better understanding of my cards I will only use the card that falls from the deck as my card of the day, should that happen rather than going ahead with my random selection process.  It is all good!

On the 13th my card is the Ace of Cups - a gift of love

Today, the 14th my card is the 9 of Cups - serendipity

All is good and I thank you.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snowy, Wet, and Rainy Wednesday

We had a snowfall overnight and into this morning and it wreaked havoc on the roads as well as with our transit system but I made it to work.  The train was overcrowded and the street corners were flooded but we the people got around all of the wetness and snow and slipped our way to our respective work places I am sure.  I arrived to work about ten minutes late, that's all!

Last night as I was working with my tarot cards my shuffling allowed three cards to fall away from the deck.  The first is the 7 of Coins but I placed that back in the deck and continued shuffling then III The Protector (nurturing others is good practice for nurturing yourself) and II The Intuitive (To be true to oneself, one must know oneself) fell away from the deck.  So I picked those two as well as the 7 of Coins as my cards for the day, Tuesday rolling into Wednesday.

I visited my RV yesterday and she seems to be dry.  During my last visit some water was coming in but I have since surmised that was because the tarp was partially off before a guardian angel tied it back on and tied it on mores securely than I could have.  But my point about talking about the RV is that the energy I felt in the RV was very comforting if not nurturing and even though the RV was cold and crowded with stuff for repairs I really desired to just sit there and call it home and be satisfied with my new residence.

I am calling 2011, the Year of RVing and unlike last year I believe it to be more true today than it ever was.  The energy I feel is one of RVing and interacting with people around the continent to learn from them and make my life better as a result.  I feel a need to travel and learn as well as talk about what I learn each and every day of my travels.  The energy of the nomad is calling my name.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy Monday

Despite the train being late this morning today is a great day even if it is Monday morning, the day most people dread after the weekend.

Our weekend was a relatively good one, a good one really.  We went out shopping Saturday and spent yesterday at home most of the day but we did get out for a quick walk and lunch with a coupe of friends.

I managed to work with my Tarot cards this weekend as well as spend a few moments basking in the energy of my "crystal ball".  The weekend also seemed to have a good energy about it so I was in high spirits as well as a good mood.  I even managed to create a couple of handcrafted cards, a birthday card for a friend as well as a "baby shower" card that she ordered to give to a co-worker near the end of January.  I hope she and the recipient like the card.

And returning to Tarot:

Friday's randomly selected card is the 2 of Cups - the Dialogue, Saturday's card is the Youth of Coins - Focusing on the physical, and Sunday's card is the 9 of Cups - Serendipity.

I really do enjoy spending time with Tarot and will do my best to spend more than a few minutes a day working with the cards.  I will do my best to create somewhat of a routine where I perhaps spend the last 1/2 hour before going to bed working with Tarot as well as my crystals and "crystal ball".

Thanks for reading and grace and peace to you all.

Friday, January 7, 2011

The 9 of Coins

Good Day to you all and again I sincerely and most humbly thank you all for reading my blog.

I am still struggling as you can see with keeping up my blog as well as my work with the Tarot cards but I will strive to continue my work and keep you posted on a daily basis if I can.

The 9 of Coins is my card that came up last evening as I set about working with the Tarot.  I like the card as I like all the cards in this deck I am currently working with.  I plan to do my best to always keep these cards within hands reach whenever I can as I feel a strong connection to them.  The 9 of Coins relates to Rewards and enjoying the fruits of my labour and well-deserved enjoyment.

I also forgot to mention, at least I think I forgot to mention it and that is that I picked up a reconstituted glass crystal ball from the Millennium Store on Granville Street in Vancouver last month.  The ball rests on a base with the three faces of the Wiccan Goddess, the Maiden, Mother, and Crone.  It was the last one they had and was on the shelf but it appears to be in good condition and I leave it covered with a black silk cloth so as to protect it from unwanted energy.  When the weather is better as in sunny and warm I will carefully pack it up and take it outside with me so I can place it out in the moonlight in order to fill it with the great energy of the universe.

I do still plan to buy a natural quartz crystal ball but that will come all in good time.

And again thank you for stopping by and reading my blog.  I bid you peace.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tarot Cards Leading the Way

Happy New Year!  Happy New Decade!

Although it has been many days since my last post the time that has gone by has not really been that long in the much bigger scheme of things.  Life has been rolling along and taking me with it but more often than not the tarot cards have been in part guiding the way.  I have been doing my best to really pay attention to the messages that the cards are laying out before me.  Patterns in the cards are often seen and I am still trying to figure out what this all means and will continue to seek guidance, knowledge and understanding of what the universe wants of me and where it wants me to go.

Since my last post:

Thursday, December 2nd
- Guide of Wands flipped from deck during shuffling
- V The Priest flipped from deck durng shuffling
- XVIII The Moon appeared after cutting the deck several times
Sunday, December 5th
- Youth of Cups
Tuesday, December 7th
- Ace of Cups came to mind
Wednesday, December 8th
- 10 of Swords
Friday, December 10th
- 7 of Coins
Saturday, December 11th
- Ace of Coins selected
Sunday, December 12th
- 8 of Wands, Movement
Monday, December 13th
- 6 of Wands, the Parade.  I wrote out numbers 1 to 78 on chits of paper    and picked number 66 that corresponded to this card in a book I created by photocopying the tarots in random order.
Sunday, December 19th
- Man of Coins.  Responsible, hardworking, reliable, dependable.
Tuesday, December 21st
- 9 of Cups.  Serendipity
Wednesday, December 22nd
- Guide of Coins
Saturday, December 25th
- V The Priest.  The best way to help others is to help them make their own decisions.
Sunday, December 26th
- Youth of Cups
Tuesday, December 28th
- 2 of Coins, random number selected from bag was #2 and this is corresponding card.
Wednesday, December 29th
- 3 of Swords, #63
Thursday, December 30th
- Youth of Wands, #46
Friday, December 31st
- Guide of Wands, #54
Sunday, January 2, 2011
- XII The Hanged Man
Monday, January 3rd
- 9 of Swords