
Monday, February 14, 2011

Lot's of Catching Up to Do

I really did not think it had been so long so my last blog entry but here I am writing my next blog entry almost three weeks after the last one.

I thought I was going to do better at this but it looks like I still need to dedicate more time and focus to my blogging albeit after I dedicate time to all things in the metaphysical realm.

Since my last entry:

Jan 27th - Ace of Cups
Jan 28th - Guide of Wands
Jan 29th - 7 of Wands: thought of this card when going to bed
Jan 30th - Youth of Swords
Jan 31st - 2 of Coins:Tai Chi
Feb 1st- 6 of Coins
Feb 2nd - 9 of Coins
Feb 4th - Man of Cups
Feb 6th - V The Priest
Feb 7th - 9 of Cups:Serendipity
Feb 9th - Sage of Wands
Feb 10th - XV Self-Hatred

I'm sure there is a pattern in the cards whether as single card or a grouping of cards over a matter of days, a week, weeks, or a month or more but I will need to take some time to study and reflect on this if I expect to find an answer to my hypothesis.

I think an idea that just came to mind is a good one and I will strive to follow through with it and that is to do a weekly review of the cards that revealed themselves to me throughout the previous week.  I will make it a goal and see how far I get with it.

Since last night, Thursday, February 10th I've had a realization that XV Self-Hatred is a very telling card.  In fact all of the cards I receive each day I work with Tarot are sending me an overwhelming message that I still need to break free of the trap I still find myself in.  As much as I thought I had broken free of the chains that society has trapped me in could be further from the truth.  The chains are still wrapped around me and hold me back from the freedom I desperately seek.  The chains tightly bind me and I need to take drastic measures if I am determined to find my freedom.

The 9 of Cups may make what I am saying a little bit off but I am not and the neither is the card wrong for it reflects my closeness to the freedom I seek on each of the days it decides to pop up.  I am so very close to the freedom I desire that I can taste it in my mouth and smell it with my nose but it is the next step that I must take that is proving to be the most difficult.  I am at the threshold of the prison door and all I need to do is step through it to the freedom that awaits me with arms open wide.

What is it that is holding me back?


Being totally unprepared?

Fear of The Unknown?

Tonight's card, tonight being Friday, February 11th is the 5 of Wands:The Hockey Game.  The project meets resistance; testing one's ideas against others; an enjoyable struggle; competition in the marketplace.

An interesting appearance after my thoughts turned to the question(s) I asked just above.  Am I really fearful of something or am I just reluctant to head into the unknown.  Am I afraid of success, perhaps?

This evening, the evening of Saturday, February 12, 2011 I worked with Tarot and V The Priest revealed itself to me.  The Priest denotes that the best way to help others is to help them make their own decisions.  It is also about wisdom, advice, a promise, and a ceremony or ritual.

I spent part of the afternoon reading "Discover Your Psychic Type written by Sherrie Dillard and so far I have enjoyed all that I have read.  I stopped reading because I came to the questionnaire that she has designed to help people like me discover what my "psychic" type is so that I may be better able to develop my natural intuitive abilities, intuitive abilities that we all possess.  I cannot wait to answer the questions and find out what my "psychic" type is.  It is a very exciting time for me right now.  XV Self-Hatred has rejuvenated my spiritual self and I think I am closer to truly knowing what I need to do in this life.  How great it is!

Yes, the direction my life must take is becoming clearer and clearer each and every day and sometimes painfully so.  Decisions were made years ago and those decisions were probably not the best ones I could have made back then and most likely should not have made.  Leaving the church is still a good decision and my life is much freer because of that but I should have started doing what I am doing now back then and I would be a stronger person for it and in a much better place.  Even the RV would be in better shape than it is today.  But, alas I must not live in the past or with regrets and instead continue to live in this moment for it is the only time this moment will exist and I must be and am thankful for this moment I now have before me.

Monday, February 14, 2011.  Happy Valentine's Day.  I hope that this is not the only day we pay special tribute to our love of those that we love and who love us back.  May this be one of the 365 days that we hold our love and our loved ones dear and close to our hearts.

Last night, Sunday, February 13, 2011 just before going to bed and unfortunately a last minute decision I remembered to work with Tarot, almost an afterthought really, and the card that revealed itself to me is the 3 of Wands:Leaving the nest.  What must I now release that needs to venture out on it's own?

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