
Friday, June 25, 2010

Life is rolling right along . . .

as it should be.  I am pretty happy these days as I am getting more and more comfortable working with my Tarot cards.  In fact, one deck in particular is proving to be an ideal fit with me.  The energy between the deck and me is utterly amazing and I have felt it so easy to see the inherent messages in the images of the cards as I do with this particular deck.  The only other deck that I somewhat understand is Aleister Crowley's Thoth deck and that is only because I have been working with it on and off for the past ten years so this new deck is pretty darned amazing in my books.

The deck I am referring to is the Gay Tarot which I received as a Christmas/Yule gift from my partner - another wonderful and thoughtful gift that he has given to me over the years.

I have though worked with the "Tarot" deck as well, this is the tiny little deck that I impulsively purchased from Chapters a while back.  But the deck does work but overall the Gay Tarot deck is by far the best deck I now own.  But each of the four decks I have now are unique and wonderful in their own way so don't get me wrong when I say that the Gay Tarot deck is so wonderful as I do like to work with each deck and it just depends on my mood as to which deck I work with on any particular day.

Back on June 19th working with the "Tarot" deck two cards revealed themselves to me:

4 of Cups
Page of Cups

On June 20th working with the Gay Tarot I randomly selected:

XVII The Star - Spirit is real.  Hope. Serenity.  Clarity.  Having faith in an underlying or overlying Spirit.  A dream becomes real.

Monday, June 21 - Happy Litha, the summer solstice is upon us.  And from the Gay Tarot I randomly selected:

Youth of Cups

Wednesday, June 23rd again from the Gay Tarot:

XII The Hanged Man

The selection of crystals I picked up the Crystal Ark are full of great positive energy and I have been allowing that energy to flow into and around me to improve my mood and rid me of the negative energy that pervades my life.  As I let go of that negative energy I feel my communication with the cosmos opening up and improving more and more each day.  Although I do sometimes fall back into the negative habits and patterns for the most part and thankfully so it is a short-lived episode.

My life and dreams are moving forward little step by little step and I am so glad and happy to see my life progressing in the direction it is supposed to as I have been made aware of by my interaction with the cosmos around me.

How wonderful it is!

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