
Friday, March 24, 2017

The '3 of Swords" and Learning When and When Not to Let Our Emotions Win the Day

Discovered a message on LinkedIn last night from someone that thinks my skills and talents might work for a company they represent.  Curious...hhhmmm...message sent on my the universe trying to tell me something?  Perhaps.

Oh, and something happened when I gave a boost to the battery in Serenity, my camper van.  The battery popped after the van started but when I turned the van off after about fifteen minutes, she wouldn't turn over again.  When I attempted a second boost, that didn't change...drat!  As I spoke with the dealer and they have a promotion on right now will buy the van back...not a perfect deal for me but gives me room to breathe and contemplate better on what type of camping and outdoor life I'd like to live in relation to camping...tent, an RV and what type RV at that, a trailer, or simply sleeping out in the open under the stars?

Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “3 of Swords: The Wreckage.  Feeling heavy-hearted after an emotional storm.  Feeling hurt or betrayed.”
The only reason I can think of for me to be feeling hurt or betrayed is the fact that Serenity will not start even when I tried boosting her battery the second time.  In fact now that I think back to yesterday I did react emotionally to the whole experience and was very disappointed, sad, and let down as I hopped in the car and drove away.  RVs and camping can make me quite emotional as by now I thought I'd have been living in a RV for many years already but I'm not quite there yet.

But I need to really figure out what type of RV best suits me and do so logically and rationally rather than emotionally so I'm rushing to make another purchase that proves to be a wrong fit.  I really like the idea of driving a home on wheels as in getting out of the driver's seat and walking into my mobile residence.  But I also like the idea of having a separate unit such as trailer that I could tow with a good off-road vehicle that I can take out and explore confused.  But I'm getting sidetracked here.

The “3 of Swords" is reminding me to keep my emotions in check when thinking about such things as RV's as it requires more than emotions to be sure the RV lifestyle is really for me before thinking about buying another RV before selling Serenity, my camper van back to the dealership.  I know it's the right thing to do as I'd also be doing it if I owned her out right.  And I also need to keep my emotions in check when it comes when it comes to Intuitive Tarot career/business something I'm willing to engage in seven days a week if I have people to work with.  Emotions don't always allow me to think clearly then my head gets into the clouds and into more wishful thinking than thoughtful insight and planning.

I need to get stay focused on my Intuitive Tarot services and getting the word out that I'm ready to work with people who want to explore the world of Tarot with and maybe find answers to questions or get a little bit of advice or some guidance.  I'm feeling way more spiritual these days and am quite excited about working with a few of my decks with others.  The Wildwood Tarot has gave me a nudge yesterday so I'll be conversing with this deck in the morning.

Thank You Spirit.

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