
Saturday, March 25, 2017

"4 The Green" is Giving You a Burst of Energy, Use It to Manifest Your Destiny

Slept alright but would have liked to have slept longer.  But then again getting up earlier gives me more alone time which is good as I spend more time with Spirit...leaning to better be able to live and look at life through spiritual eyes, knowledge, wisdom, love and understanding; as well as to hear and listen to life with spiritual ears; and then to speak through and with the voice of Spirit.  For I am a conscious living example of Spirit made manifest through which Spirit can live, grow, evolve and expand in the physical world.  I live life as life lives me.

Spirit Is and today's Wildwood Tarot Energy is "4 The Green Man: generous in his bestowal of creative, fertile energy and he will move you to a new level of confident and assertive dynamism.  This is a time for both giving and receiving the natural flow of life both inwardly and outwardly.  Be prepared to find a new and thriving drive to begin projects, relationships and even new ways of living your life and fulfilling your world.  Now is the time to experience being at the apex of the cycle of life.  Enjoy it!"
I am Wizard Oron reaching out with Intuitive Tarot by David B.  I'm a facilitator, a guide as you explore your relationship with the world, with life, with others, even with yourself through the Spirit and Energy of Tarot.

Accept, feel and use the energy and power of the Green Man as he fills and energizes you with a fresh, new desire to go out and express yourself in the world.  The Green Man is providing you with the ability to make something happen but you have to do your part and take action to get the whole process moving and giving it the momentum it needs to succeed.

Thank You Spirit.

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