
Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Guide of Coins, Embracing Our Nature-ness and Witnessing Magic In Our Lives

Getting back into a regular gym routine is doing wonders for me.  I'm feeling better, less moody, eating healthier, and rebuilding muscle mass.  I even think that I'm looking better too!

Last night I know I had dreams and awoke once or twice remembering the dreams but they faded deep into my memory banks, I suppose.  Driving on a road in the van kind of rings a bell as do images of the Pagan and Shaman Tarot decks.  As I  was relaxing in bed for what I thought would simply be a couple of minutes holding these two decks I soon found myself awaking five or ten minutes later with the decks still in my hands.

Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “Guide of Coins: Seeing the magic in the mundane.  Spiritual fulfillment from nature.  Finding joy in the ordinary.”
Hugging trees and desiring more time out in nature filled my mind as this card revealed himself this morning.  Watching the crows fly overhead this morning before heading into the job made me want to follow them so I could sit amongst them and just be.  Speaking of crows here are photos of my purchase a few weeks back: crows on a wire and a city crows calendar.

Nature is flowing through my veins these days.  As I think of nature I think of awaking in the morning inside of a cold van wrapped in layers of winter blankets.  I or we are parked on a street or in a campground somewhere all to fulfill my or our desire to be out in nature as much as possible.

Nature is magic and I am, we are nature and when we embrace our nature-hood or nature-ness, magic happens, happens in our lives!

Thank You Spirit.

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