
Thursday, May 14, 2015

"XV Self-Hatred" and Overcoming Your Fears

Thursday, May 14, 2015.  We had a lovely evening after a quick and simple dinner of dumplings, carrots and green beans with a chicken and soy sauce dressing--delicious.  Then we just did a whole lot of nothing.  I worked piddled around with my model railroad layout and read N-Scale magazine as well as one of my favourite blogs.  An article in N-Scale magazine inspired me to do more with my layout and hopefully, I'll get to do something with it this long weekend.

Spirit Is and today's visiting Tarot is “XV Self-Hatred: The trap to avoid for all minorities.  Unconsciously accepting societal norms.  Low self-esteem."

Face you most intimate and secret fears and come to terms with them.  Accept them and truly face them and transcend them so you can move on and become all that you are meant to be.  I have to do the same.  I've come face to face with my fears and the obstacles I've created for myself that block my movement and forward momentum thus keeping in a stagnant holding pattern, running around in circles wondering why I can never move into the life that I know is waiting for me in the future, the life of my dreams.  I fear risk and uncertainty whereas in my youth I took many chances and always landed on my feet.  I'm afraid to do that today.

As much as I desire to lead a nomadic life I also like the stability and security of my life as I'm living it today but deep down I know that this life I'm living today is not the life I need to be living if I desire to grow and evolve and expand my spirituality to a point where I'm a renewed and better person than I am today.  Driving on a road with no real or clear destination in mind fills my heart and spirit with much joy, love, and happiness.  Not knowing where I'll spend the night or what direction I'll take in the morning exhilarates me beyond words.  And seeing the different landscapes as I traverse this beautiful continent lifts and satisfies my spirit.

Face fear, it's of your own creation.  So, if you've created it, you can overcome and transcend it too!

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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