
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

V The Priest and the 8 of Cups

Wednesday, November 12th, 2014.  We had a slow start to the day then headed out to our friends place for a lunch of waffles, bacon, and sausage.  We strolled along False Creek to the Main Street Skytrain Station where we hopped aboard a train and headed home.  I slept rather well then active dreams popped up as the alarm drew near.  I was likely in a semi-conscious state as I was aware but asleep at the same time, if this makes any sense at all.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “V The Priest: The best way to help others is to help them make their own decisions.  Wisdom.  Advice.  A ceremony or ritual.”  And along for a bit of clarification is the “8 of Cups: Farewell.  Moving on.  Leaving behind a person, a situation, or a part of yourself.”

I see these cards as a sign that if we help others even ourselves learn how to and that we can make decisions and good decisions at that we’ll learn how to move on and break free of things that may be holding us back.  We may be faced with a hard decision or two but we must learn that we have to stand up on our own two feet, make decisions on our own and know that we are strong enough to handle the outcome of such decisions knowing that we made them to the best of our abilities and the information at hand.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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