
Monday, April 1, 2013

Man of Coins

April Fool’s Day and Easter Monday.  I awoke early to take care of some pork tenderloin we have in the slow cooker, that was around one in the morning.  I was only to take the loin out of the slow cooker but I decided to do the next step of shredding it as well and then throwing in back in the slow cooker to marinate in the BBQ sauce and onions until later this morning where I turned the slow cooker back on.  Smells delicious.

I awoke a little after 6:30am and lay in bed until almost 7 and when I exited the bedroom and looked out the window to take in the beautiful morning my eyes fell upon the waning moon as she fades out of the brightening sunlit morning sky. Breathtakingly beautiful is she.

Yesterday was another day of social activity for us.  We met a friend for coffee and brunch not long after eating our breakfast.  The walk uptown stirred up hunger within me so I opted to eat a decent sized meal.  The eggs benedict were very good.  Maybe we'll give the Coming Home Cafe another chance.  My partner opted for coffee and a cookie.  We had a good chat and even met some new acquaintances.  We walked back down the hill, strolled along Pier Park before taking leave of our friend who had another date, this time for a simple coffee.

We came home and organized a little before going out shopping for a few things including today’s pulled pork sandwiches for lunch, another day of social activity with another friend.  We relaxed the rest of the day.  Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Man of Coins: Responsible and hard-working.  Reliable.  Dependable.”  This sounds like my brother but should also be me and not for anyone else mind you although if I adopt these qualities (for) myself they will then also be a benefit to others as well.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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