
Thursday, April 11, 2013

7 of Cups and Time for Action

I stayed in all day yesterday.  My cold got the better of me, my worst day yet with this nasty cold.  But I’m done with it.  I’m tired of this cold and it’s time for it to move on.

I had a hard time focusing on anything yesterday with all of the coughing I was doing so I just sat on the sofa and flipped channels the entire day.  Not until the evening could I actually focus my thoughts enough to read although I tried my best to engage Spirit throughout the day.  I think that’s what kept me going yesterday, helped me keep my sanity about me.

As I brushing my teeth last in preparation to go to bed an image of me removing the front bed-over-cab window in my RV filled my mind.  In particular, I was installing the interior wall in order to cover up the window opening on the inside.  Odd!  Actually, I tried to look a t a few photos of the RV last night but I sensed that I was wasting my time; that all the work was done and all I had to do was pack up the RV and start driving.  Quite bizarre really.

I felt Spirits presence throughout the evening and well into my sleep and as I tossed and turned a few times.  I visited with a very nice couple in my dreams and thoughts.  Perhaps the God and Goddess?

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “7 of Cups: The Bookstore.  Choosing between different approaches.  Contemplating choices when you should be acting.” 

It’s time for action I guess.  No more need to mull things over.  I’ve done enough mulling and now need to make a choice and act on it.  Both choices have a lot of unknowns but a choice must be made and I must move on it.  I thought I had made a choice however I guess I have made a very firm choice and must firmly decide on a direction I want go on in life so the universe can help guide and support me in what I need to do and do so with purpose.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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