Today is Walpurgis Eve, tomorrow Beltane or May Day. This completely slipped my mind. I barely remembered the Full Moon last week. Work can sure get in the way of spiritual celebrations. Speak of which, work was kind of steady but slow at the same time yesterday. I’m thinking that it might pick up now that the only televised debate of the election has now come and gone.
We watched that debate (BC's 2013 Provincial election) last night and it was kind of boring to me as nothing really new came to light and one of the leaders continued to trot out statements and claims that have been fact checked and proven to false, misleading, or outright lies. However, her overall performance was seen to be quite stellar but for me she did not perform well based on the false information that she kept claiming to true and accurate when it has been proven to be otherwise. It’ll be interesting to see what the other voters of this province think come May 14th. Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “4 of Wands: Setting the Stage. Opening night arrives. A venture has been established. Celebrating initial achievements.”
This card is sending a clear message that is further enhanced by yesterdays horoscope reading as well as my own thoughts and dream. My dreams, my truest passions are finally coming to life and starting to be visible in this world. I’m no longer sitting on the fence and truly know deep down that I need to, must pursue and follow my RVing dream. I am no longer waffling about leaving the life I have behind instead I’ll build upon its strengths and move forward with the foundation this, my current life has built for me and my desire to live, work and travel in an RV. This RVing will be kept alive by my devotion to Spirit, of understanding Spirit’s presence in our lives and where Spirit is taking me on my life’s journey.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
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