
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

5 of Swords

Boxing Day, at least in Canada and the United Kingdom.  A huge shopping day for the bargain hunters.

I slept poorly last night as I was awake every hour from midnight until 2 and then awake from 2 until 4am then awoke at 6:44am and decided to get out of bed and do the check-in for our flights to Boston.  What a process that is.  The airline has many fees associated for things that I think should be standard operating or customer service practices.  Our seats are confirmed but not fixed and may change before the flight.  If I wanted to have guaranteed seats for each of us that is an extra $75 per person.  Our checked baggage is $56.  We were sitting in different rows of the plane with one us being seated in what is called “economy plus”, a $44 seat, no thank you to that.  So we are checked-in but still have to go through a check-in process at the airport.

Spirit is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “5 of Swords: The Tennis Game.  Being overly competitive.  A game which gets out of hand.  A pattern of always needing to win, or to lose.”  I’m like this in most areas of my life.  It’s purely a subconscious thing that pops out every once in awhile because I have a strong dislike of winning or losing situations whether it’s a game or a simple conversation that gets out of hand.  I’m going to change that about myself right now.  Let it be.  Zen.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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