
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Guide of Cups

What a tough night of sleep we had.  Neither my partner nor I could stay asleep last night, we tossed and turned throughout the night.  I even slept in until the alarm awoke me and luckily I caught myself falling asleep again so I quickly hustled out of bed before sleep once again overtook me.

My reams were all over the map, the most prominent one being about my RV, my motorhome and how I was giving her a wash but then somehow forgot her keys at home.  Other dreams and thoughts revolved around love, being in love falling in love, loving both myself and my partner.  I also gave some dream time to what I'll be doing once my job comes to an end either at the end of this month or at some point in September.  It's been some time since I've been unemployed.  And as happened six years ago, this job is also coming to an end because the office is being closed and everything handled out of Toronto.  I do not like being unemployed so I then turned my thoughts and dreams to my crafts - cards, bracelets, and masquerade ball masks.  I need to keep in mind all of the job opportunities that are before me.  Upon awaking my thoughts were on becoming a Spiritual Guide of sorts, a Spiritualist offering direction and guidance but no opinions or advice instead trying to open doors and assist others in finding the answers they seek, themselves.

Today's visiting Tarot card is the "Guide of Cups" and is a reflection of where my thoughts and dreams were last night and where my thoughts still are percolating and deciphering what my future may hold for me.  Maybe I will become a Tarot Card Reader, traveling the bi-ways and highways of North America assisting people decipher their lives while on the road.

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