
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

XI Strength and Ace of Cups

I'm getting so involved with trying to make handcrafted greeting cards that I go to bed before realizing that I forgot to work with Tarot.  But still spiritually focused though so this is a good thing.  Making cards is my future so spending time making them gives a boost to my future prospects but also to my spiritual well-being since it is proving to be so enjoyable and time-consuming at that.  I am essentially working all day and all night although my day job is not really work at all nor is it hard except where the boredom starts to become overwhelming but I am surviving.

I spend time at my day job dreaming and planning card designs and it is proving to be a useful exercise so I am happy with this.  I also think about all things spiritual so I am always striving to be connected to and with the world within and around me.

On Friday, November 26th I shuffled and cut the deck thus revealing:

XI Strength - a very beautiful card depicting a man and tiger performing at a circus, the
man is confidently holding a ring of fire and the tiger is pondering when and how to jump
through the hoop in order to please not only the trainer but the crowd as well.

Today, November 30th as I was looking through my tarot deck to find a few relevant cards I noticed that the:

Ace of Cups was between two cards of significance to me so I selected it as my card of
the day.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Flipped, Shuffled, and Picked Cards

Posting is again tardy and for that I do continue to apologize.  I find it difficult at times to get into any sort of rhythm or routine when working with the Tarot or blogging but I strive to find a means to work with Tarot and blog on a daily basis.

Since I last posted:

November 16th - 3 of Cups
November 17th - Guide of Coins, this card flipped out of the deck while I was giving it a shuffle
                         - Sage of Swords, this is the card that appeared after shuffling and cutting the deck
November 24th - 3 of Wands, I thought of this during the wee early morning hours, I do believe

Also, I woke up at 8:04AM two days in a row, last weekend I believe it was.

I never worked with the Tarot last night as I was thinking more about re-organizing my studio as I was not happy with how it looked or how it was functioning for me.  Making cards or thinking about card designs and making prototypes has been occurring almost every day and night so I really wish I could just stay at home and make cards rather than having to get dressed every day and go off to work.  I'm thankful for being employed but at the same time I would rather be working for myself even if it does not mean a steady or stable paycheque.

So this is how I have spent the last eleven days of my life and no worries as I always think in terms of my spiritual self.  Spirit is always on my mind and always with me.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Spirit and Energy

So I continue to sporadically take out my tarot deck and work with it here and there.  Over the last thirteen days I have only pulled the deck out five of those days.  But I do keep myself open to and in communication with the world around me, the energy and spirit that surrounds and moves through us all, the energy and spirit that is striving to move us all in the right directions that if we were to all listen those directions would make this world the utopia we all dream of.

November 5th - 9 of Cups - Serendipity
November 6th - 2 of Coins - Tai Chi (this card fell away from the deck while I was shuffling the deck)
                       - 5 of Cups - The Aftermath (appeared on top of deck after shuffling and cutting of the deck)
November 8th - XX Beyond Judgment
November 11th - 9 of Cups - Serendipity
November 12th - 4 of Coins - The Lighting Director

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Good Time and The Parade

These are the headlines from the two cards that revealed themselves to me over the weekend.  Interesting side note is that I consciously made myself aware of my mood as I worked with the Tarot and instead of feeling as if working with the card was a chore I turned it instead into a happy experience and these are the cards that came as a result:

Saturday, October 30th - "3 of Cups.  A good time.  Happy, comfortable times, together.  Quiet enjoyment.  Celebration."

Sunday, October 31st - "6 of Wands - The Parade.  Appreciation for those who stand up for themselves.  The courage of one's convictions.  Admiration, acclaim, pride."

Happy Samhain!  May the spirit of Halloween been good to all!  Blessed Be!