
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The '2 of Coins' and Taking It Easy

Wednesday, March 2, 2016.  A bit of a sleepless night--somewhat haunted by dreams around the job of which I survived another day and received further proof that it's not the best place to be working if you expect your employer to care about you in any way.  It's a decent enough place an all and the wages are average for the type of industry yet the company could be so much more.  Enough of that though...Ugh!

I'd rather dream about spiritual things and I do more often than not but every now and then other images fill my mind.  

Today, I visited 'Serenity' to relax a bit during lunch and decided to grab "The Tarot Box" I left in her after our October trip to Vancouver Island.  I'm a bit of a Tarot connoisseur and definitely a Tarot enthusiast and I wanted to crack open this deck and see how my interaction with them goes.  Exciting!

Today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “2 of Coins: Tai Chi.  Flexibility.  “Going with the flow”.  Living in tune with your environment.

Yup, gotta go with the flow in life, now don't we?  Going against it can only last for so long before one gets tired of banging his head against the wall or taking one step forward and two steps back because it's tough fitting in when one doesn't feel like they belong.  It's a good thing I'm flexible and fairly easygoing but this is a reminder to go with the current for awhile as everything is all right and going in my favour so no need to make life difficult for myself by being obstinate and stubborn.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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