
Monday, January 24, 2011

Ten Years Since my first Tarot Deck

January 18th - IV The Emperor
January 19th/20th - V The Priest
January 22nd - 7 of Cups, The Bookstore
January 23rd - 9 of Cups, Serendipity

Last night I was watching television as I was shuffling the cards and as much as I was paying attention to what was on TV I was also giving thanks to the world around me, the four elements and all of the spiritual energy that is us.  I then muted the TV and proceeded to focus on Tarot.  Good thoughts, joy, peace, love, and happiness filled my mind, body, and spirit.

The card that appeared was as you can see from the list above is the 9 of Cups.  Each of the cards listed above are quite relevant for the day they appeared as well as all the time since as are all of the card I have selected over the past ten years that I have been working on and off with Tarot.  Ten years have gone by since I purchased my first deck of tarot cards maybe a little longer.  I really cannot believe that much time has passed us by.

But time is unimportant in the bigger scheme of things and life is such a wonder that I try to live each day to the fullest and to the best of my abilities.

Thanks for stopping by and until next time I bid you peace. . .

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Parade

Hello again!

As is sometimes the case I allowed weekend activities to get in the way of my working with Tarot.  Ashamedly, I did not even think about working with Tarot the entire weekend.

Last night, I happily sat down with my Tarot cards, closing my eyes and giving thanks to and communicating with the world around me and all the energy and spirit that is with us all.  As I shuffled the cards, I felt like I was sitting on air, floating about as I allowed the energy of the Tarot to fill me up and a random card find it's way to the top of the deck.

The card that appeared is the 6 of Wands - conviction, standing up for one's self, admiration, acclaim, and pride.  As I reflect on this and the other cards that have come up in past and some of those cards repeatedly so I find that the message I am receiving is that I really need to communicate with myself in order to fully understand my purpose and how I am supposed to express myself in this and to this world I live in.

I am not sure if I ever mentioned this but I often think of myself as a teacher but as I think this I am confused as to what it is I am supposed to be teaching.  And as often as I feel like I am a teacher I also feel like I need to be a/the student as well.  Perhaps, I need to teach myself and then my future will become clearer to me.

I will continue to study and reflect on the tarot cards as well as my purpose and destiny in life.

Thanks for listening, I bid you peace.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Cards Falling From the Deck

I'm taking the cards falling from the deck as a good form of energy and communication.  On the evening of Wednesday, February 12th as I was shuffling my deck of card the Ace of Wands fell away from the deck - creative inspiration.  The randomly selected card is XVII The Star - spirit is real.

Now that I have a better understanding of my cards I will only use the card that falls from the deck as my card of the day, should that happen rather than going ahead with my random selection process.  It is all good!

On the 13th my card is the Ace of Cups - a gift of love

Today, the 14th my card is the 9 of Cups - serendipity

All is good and I thank you.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snowy, Wet, and Rainy Wednesday

We had a snowfall overnight and into this morning and it wreaked havoc on the roads as well as with our transit system but I made it to work.  The train was overcrowded and the street corners were flooded but we the people got around all of the wetness and snow and slipped our way to our respective work places I am sure.  I arrived to work about ten minutes late, that's all!

Last night as I was working with my tarot cards my shuffling allowed three cards to fall away from the deck.  The first is the 7 of Coins but I placed that back in the deck and continued shuffling then III The Protector (nurturing others is good practice for nurturing yourself) and II The Intuitive (To be true to oneself, one must know oneself) fell away from the deck.  So I picked those two as well as the 7 of Coins as my cards for the day, Tuesday rolling into Wednesday.

I visited my RV yesterday and she seems to be dry.  During my last visit some water was coming in but I have since surmised that was because the tarp was partially off before a guardian angel tied it back on and tied it on mores securely than I could have.  But my point about talking about the RV is that the energy I felt in the RV was very comforting if not nurturing and even though the RV was cold and crowded with stuff for repairs I really desired to just sit there and call it home and be satisfied with my new residence.

I am calling 2011, the Year of RVing and unlike last year I believe it to be more true today than it ever was.  The energy I feel is one of RVing and interacting with people around the continent to learn from them and make my life better as a result.  I feel a need to travel and learn as well as talk about what I learn each and every day of my travels.  The energy of the nomad is calling my name.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy Monday

Despite the train being late this morning today is a great day even if it is Monday morning, the day most people dread after the weekend.

Our weekend was a relatively good one, a good one really.  We went out shopping Saturday and spent yesterday at home most of the day but we did get out for a quick walk and lunch with a coupe of friends.

I managed to work with my Tarot cards this weekend as well as spend a few moments basking in the energy of my "crystal ball".  The weekend also seemed to have a good energy about it so I was in high spirits as well as a good mood.  I even managed to create a couple of handcrafted cards, a birthday card for a friend as well as a "baby shower" card that she ordered to give to a co-worker near the end of January.  I hope she and the recipient like the card.

And returning to Tarot:

Friday's randomly selected card is the 2 of Cups - the Dialogue, Saturday's card is the Youth of Coins - Focusing on the physical, and Sunday's card is the 9 of Cups - Serendipity.

I really do enjoy spending time with Tarot and will do my best to spend more than a few minutes a day working with the cards.  I will do my best to create somewhat of a routine where I perhaps spend the last 1/2 hour before going to bed working with Tarot as well as my crystals and "crystal ball".

Thanks for reading and grace and peace to you all.

Friday, January 7, 2011

The 9 of Coins

Good Day to you all and again I sincerely and most humbly thank you all for reading my blog.

I am still struggling as you can see with keeping up my blog as well as my work with the Tarot cards but I will strive to continue my work and keep you posted on a daily basis if I can.

The 9 of Coins is my card that came up last evening as I set about working with the Tarot.  I like the card as I like all the cards in this deck I am currently working with.  I plan to do my best to always keep these cards within hands reach whenever I can as I feel a strong connection to them.  The 9 of Coins relates to Rewards and enjoying the fruits of my labour and well-deserved enjoyment.

I also forgot to mention, at least I think I forgot to mention it and that is that I picked up a reconstituted glass crystal ball from the Millennium Store on Granville Street in Vancouver last month.  The ball rests on a base with the three faces of the Wiccan Goddess, the Maiden, Mother, and Crone.  It was the last one they had and was on the shelf but it appears to be in good condition and I leave it covered with a black silk cloth so as to protect it from unwanted energy.  When the weather is better as in sunny and warm I will carefully pack it up and take it outside with me so I can place it out in the moonlight in order to fill it with the great energy of the universe.

I do still plan to buy a natural quartz crystal ball but that will come all in good time.

And again thank you for stopping by and reading my blog.  I bid you peace.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tarot Cards Leading the Way

Happy New Year!  Happy New Decade!

Although it has been many days since my last post the time that has gone by has not really been that long in the much bigger scheme of things.  Life has been rolling along and taking me with it but more often than not the tarot cards have been in part guiding the way.  I have been doing my best to really pay attention to the messages that the cards are laying out before me.  Patterns in the cards are often seen and I am still trying to figure out what this all means and will continue to seek guidance, knowledge and understanding of what the universe wants of me and where it wants me to go.

Since my last post:

Thursday, December 2nd
- Guide of Wands flipped from deck during shuffling
- V The Priest flipped from deck durng shuffling
- XVIII The Moon appeared after cutting the deck several times
Sunday, December 5th
- Youth of Cups
Tuesday, December 7th
- Ace of Cups came to mind
Wednesday, December 8th
- 10 of Swords
Friday, December 10th
- 7 of Coins
Saturday, December 11th
- Ace of Coins selected
Sunday, December 12th
- 8 of Wands, Movement
Monday, December 13th
- 6 of Wands, the Parade.  I wrote out numbers 1 to 78 on chits of paper    and picked number 66 that corresponded to this card in a book I created by photocopying the tarots in random order.
Sunday, December 19th
- Man of Coins.  Responsible, hardworking, reliable, dependable.
Tuesday, December 21st
- 9 of Cups.  Serendipity
Wednesday, December 22nd
- Guide of Coins
Saturday, December 25th
- V The Priest.  The best way to help others is to help them make their own decisions.
Sunday, December 26th
- Youth of Cups
Tuesday, December 28th
- 2 of Coins, random number selected from bag was #2 and this is corresponding card.
Wednesday, December 29th
- 3 of Swords, #63
Thursday, December 30th
- Youth of Wands, #46
Friday, December 31st
- Guide of Wands, #54
Sunday, January 2, 2011
- XII The Hanged Man
Monday, January 3rd
- 9 of Swords