
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010 - Four of Disks - Power

On Monday not sure of the time but the image of the Four of Disks came to my mind as the card of the day for me.  This is of course, the Four of Disks as envisioned by Aleister Crowley as the card exists in the Thoth Tarot Deck.

I was feeling kind of melancholy on Monday and had a general malaise about me that I could not explain and when I read more about this card I more readily understood my malaise.

This card has a dual meaning and both possibilities that this card represents existed for me on Monday.

The symbol on the card is a square fortress that is all about security and strength.  This can be expressed in a person who has character and is someone you can depend on.  They are true to their personal principles and conducts all dealings with integrity and they live out their ideals.

Another possibility though is a certain rigidness and coldness upholding standards and lacking a certain humanity.  Cold and stiff rather than warmth and friendship.

(Tarot Mirror of the Soul, Gerd Ziegler, Weiser Books, 1990)

At this point in time I am still learning and reading and taking things from the many books I have regarding the Thoth Tarot Deck by Aleister Crowley.

The images of the cards come to me in my dreams at night or thoughts during the day.  As I become more confident with my relationship with Tarot I will formulate my own thoughts and opinions of the cards and share them with you as much as I can.

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