Well, how about that, I’m still finding it difficult to post here on a regular basis and I have no excuses for not doing so either. Well, I am at the “job” quite often and it never quite feels right to make a post when I’m serving my sentence. I often refer to my “job” as my “prison sentence” because although it pays the bills and provides me with money to spend it tends to be a boring task sitting here doing a whole lot of nothing.
I’m kind of caught in a self-made conundrum because the “job” is not quite for me while at the same time I do not want to go out and find a job as I’d much rather pursue my passions as I’m trying to do albeit a bit late. I should have been more gung-ho making cards and other crafts for the past three years rather than the past month.
But still all is ok in my world because I am pursuing my passions and have enough faith to now take a leap of faith and try to make it on my own. I am trying to get into a full-fledged card-making frenzy so I can be more or less ready to retire from the “job” and strike out on my own with my home-based crafting business.
Enough business talk although, it is all related none-the-less as my spiritual pursuits are tied to my crafts and other interests such as RVing so I guess it’s ok to talk about all of these here on this blog.
I’m re-acquainting myself with Wicca and the nice thing about this is that it feels like it has never been too far from my mind or my life. It feels like Wicca never left me although I kind of left Wicca. Being a part of Wicca has given me renewed energy and a stronger connection to the cosmos that provides me with said energy. It’s great to feel alive again!
As part of my re-acquaintance with Wicca I’ve gone ahead and made a few purchases of Wiccan related things including an item I’ve had my eyes on for many, many years.
I made purchases from Amazon; Llewellyn; Dragon Moon; Sacred Mists Shoppe. I look forward to receiving all of my orders and putting everything to good use as although I studied and somewhat practiced Wicca I never cast a circle or performed any sort of ritual and this is now one of my strongest desires.
Tarot also features in my daily life and routines. I find the messages and images of the cards to be very informative and thought-provoking as well as life-adjusting in the sense of offering timely advice and guidance when I need it most. Thank you to the cosmos. Thank you to all those that have come and gone before us. Thank you to the hidden world that is all around us. Thank you to all those that are out there but we cannot see with the naked eye. Thank you to the otherworld that is there waiting to be discovered and explored.
And thank you to all of you for stopping by and reading my blog, our blog!
Welcome to Wizard Oron—I’m a Spiritual and Tarot Intuitive and I want to read the cards for you. More specifically I want to see the synergy that exists between you, the cards, and Spirit and assist you in understanding where your life's at now and where it can be tomorrow through looking at and understanding this synergy.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Wicca Back in My Life
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Need To Post More Frequently
Wednesday, April 6, 2011 @ 8:50PM
"7 of Coins: Chores. Resting after a job well done. Contemplating life's cycles and changes. Planning your next move. Clearing out what's unnecessary in your life to make room for something new".
I have to truly clear away my old ways and my old ways of thinking in order to move forward in life. I need to get rid of bad habits such as self-doubt, anxiety, fear, worry, hatred, anger and a whole host of others in order to make room for all that is good in life including my desired RVing adventure. Life is somewhat miserable for me although I have a lot to be thankful for and I am but bad habits, bad emotions and an almost reckless approach to life are hindering my achievement of my dreams, goals, and desires. I need to break free of my bad ways.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Again as I was shuffling the cards and connecting to the cosmos a card fell away from the deck. The card that desired to viewed by me is the "8 of Wands: Movement. Everything is falling into place. People or circumstances are aligning to facilitate the achievement of your goals. Matters are rapidly reaching a conclusion. A group combines their energies while maintaining individuality".
This card signifies to me that I'm truly on my own RVing adventure driving all the different highways and bi-ways of North America and what an experience it is. What a fabulous continent we live on.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
This is the card that decided it needed to fall away from the deck as I was shuffling the cards to randomly select one for the day: "6 of Cups: Happy Birthday. Fond memories. A gift given in friendship or love". I have given the description of this card some thought and nothing came to mind until I paid more attention to a movie released in 1985: Back to the Future. In this movie I was reminded that we can accomplish pretty much anything we want to if we put our minds into it. We need to not only believe in ourselves but our goals, we need to take ownership of ourselves and our dreams and know that they are ours to love and cherish and make happen.
And I indeed have been given a gift out of friendship or love and that is the gift of life and purpose from the Divine.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
The tarot card that came to or the card I subconsciously chose is the Guide of Swords, a guardian of sorts with wings and a sword touched by the divine light. Upholding of truth and divinity. From the description we have: "A wider perspective. Altruistic thoughts. Messages from the higher self". The message I received just before coming together with the cards is that the time to live my dreams is now!
Monday, April 11, 2011 at 9:32am
I'm not sure which card will reveal itself later on tonight but I am confident that it will as they all do have a very important message and opportunity for me to hear, follow, and act upon. I need to be active, proactive in my pursuit of my most cherished dreams and passions. Dreams come true as evidenced by so many examples of the people who have achieved their goals and dreams by being active participants in their own lives. And for me to live my dreams I must follow their lead and their examples and pursue my own dreams with unrelenting fervour and determination. My goals and dreams are my reality(ies).
So as I was shuffling my tarot cards, the cards that are friends, advisers, therapists and what not a card made itself known to me a few times so I decided to accept this card as the card of the day. This card holds another important message for me and I will heed it to the best of my abilities.
2 of Swords: I see in this card quiet contemplation in solitude, waiting for a message from within, from a greater source of information than ourselves. The book definition of this card is: "Meditation. Closing your eyes to outer circumstances in order to gain perspective or to avoid a decision. Refusing to act".
I choose to make the tough decisions and from those or that decision I choose to act. I am moving forward with my RVing dream. I need to act and as part of this action I need to inform others of my intention to travel, live in, and work from an RV, my RV starting some time this year. As part of this dream I also plan to make and sell my handcrafted cards as well as other crafts and perform ventriloquism and offer spiritual services along the way.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011@ 8:53am
I am changing myself so I have a more positive mindset so I can also send out more positive energy and welcome positive energy into my life. I welcome opportunities and success into my life. I accept opportunities and success into my life. I use opportunities that come my way for success.
It is a fact that I see things. For me they are real and I have no doubt about that but because they are "unexplainable" or hard to believe by others then I must either be seeing things or have a bit of what some may call a mental illness. Rubbish! I welcome this energy and/or these spirits into my life. I welcome them to interact with and communicate with me as this is a way to understand life, my purpose in life, and the meaning of life. This energy and these spirits are here for a reason and so I therefore accept that there are here and that they are real!
This is another reason for me to change my bad behaviour and attitudes. I miss these experiences and because I have been mostly dark and angry for the past 8 years this energy and spirit that is around us all has been shut out of my life, by me!
Last night, was probably the first time in a long while where I was feeling this energy and/or spirits about us all. I in fact recall seeing a shadowy figure pass by a piece of artwork hanging beside the bedroom door. And getting back to the show "Paranormal State", I now remember the hairs on the back of my neck standing up as I was listening to the presentation of evidence to the homeowners/couple that was experiencing paranormal activities in their home. This experience proves to me that there is more to life than what the eye, the human eye can see but if we open ourselves to this world we can not just see it we can experience it as well. I am experiencing more and more of this, what is called the "third" sight and as a result my attitude and energy signals are changing for the better by becoming more positive and welcoming to the opportunities and success that abound all around us.
This is where I am experiencing some conflict as I can make very good handcrafted cards that will sell but I also have this spiritual side that needs my attention and nourishment. Can I focus enough energy on both and as result be successful with both? I spent a lot of money on materials to make handcrafted cards so I feel guilty if I abandon it all but I could also attempt to sell everything and make a little bit of the money I spent on it all back. But then, can I earn a living from my spiritual pursuits? Possibly yes but is that enough to rely on? Yes and no!
HHhhmmmmm. . .
8:46PM Working with Tarot earlier this evening, about an hour ago revealed the 8 of Coins: clocks, and the guy who repairs them, meticulous work, precision work, time consuming work but worthwhile in it's own right. The book definition of the card is: "The Factory. Skill and mastery. Tedious, repetitive labour. Slow and methodical progress".
This meaning of the card defines the way the repairs are going on the RV, slow and methodical and I can say this as my thoughts revolves around my RV these days. But, I do like the card and I understand it's message as well. I need to take things slow and have patience and truly understand the work I need to do so that I can achieve my goals.
I give thanks for the 8 of Coins coming to visit me tonight with it's message. I am comforted with the knowledge it has gleaned to me. And I must add here that I also understand that I need to work on my handcrafted cards with skill and mastery as well.
Thursday, April 14, 2011 @ 6:23pm
I missed working with Tarot yesterday but I did spend time during the day reaffirming my connection to the cosmos as well as changing my mode of thinking, my mindset, I mood, and my emotional state.
Today, I also reaffirmed my relationship with the universe/cosmos and did it through one idea/thought/communication, if you will: I am one with the cosmos/I am one. This pulls everything into a simple phrase that creates a wonderful mindset and relationship with the cosmos.
As I worked with Tarot tonight, the Ace of Swords came out to give me a message: "An idea. Starting to develop a an plan or strategy".
A reminder to me to continue with my plan, as in developing it more, talking it through, fleshing it out so that is what I will do. Maybe I will get a little bit of help from Edith and Eugene, Three heads after all are better than one.
Eugene and I had a short but quality conversation several minutes ago. My lip movement is minimal and the ease at which I can create a two-way conversation surprised me so I will be undertaking this exercise again tomorrow possibly even taping myself while doing it. Good idea, no?
Friday, April 15, 2011 @ 2:44pm
As part of daily prison duties, otherwise known as my day job I may have to assist in the delivery or pick up of large printers and copiers and today was such a day. The technician also had to do a service call at another business nearby where we had to pick up a copier so as he was attending to that I was able to roam around the Granville Island Market. I enjoyed a handmade espresso latte as I walked around looking at different vendors that filled the market. Many of these vendors displayed handcrafted cards that compared to or were maybe better than mine in some respects but otherwise I felt I could easily compete with those cards with my own creations. It inspired me to work harder on making cards and selling them to help further along my RVing dream. I have the RV and I just need to fix her up a little bit and then take her on down the road to live out my dream.
I then ventured outside of the market to visit a favourite retailer of mine "Dragonspace". While in Dragonspace I purchased a ring and deck of "oracle" cards. As I was browsing the store I came across a new magazine that made my heart skip a beat "True Blue Spirit Pursuit of Intuitive Living" so I picked up my complimentary copy and browsed through the pages. As flipped the pages I knew instantly that this magazine was meant to come into my life at this time. The best part is that the magazine is Canadian and produced on Gabriola Island. I've read through several pages and intend to read every article to get a good grip on what the magazine has to offer and what it is all about. What a great find or did it find me?
I've made some good discoveries over the past two days that bode well for my future. Talking with Eugene provided me with proof, if you will, of my ventriloquial skills and visiting Granville Island boosted my desire to live more intuitively and pursue spiritual/mystical/metaphysical matters more purposefully and allow them to come fully into my life to use me as their vessel for the benefit of all mankind.
Cosmos! Cosmos! Cosmos!
Saturday, April 16, 2011 @ 7:10am
While enjoying my first cup of coffee of the day I'm also reading Barb Rees' book "RV Canada With Boo the Menopausal Van" and I came across a phrase she picked up out of a Leanne Womack song (I Hope You Dance) she was listening to. The line is "I hope you give faith a fighting chance. When you get the chance to sit or dance, I hope dance". Then Barb writes "Give faith a fighting chance and watch the miracles appear in your life".
I now have another new mantra "I give faith a fighting chance and experience miracles in my life".
Reading Barbs book is a miracle for me as it has allowed me to renew faith in my life and yesterday when I accompanied my co-worker to a service call so that we could later on pick up a machine at another business was another miracle of faith, encouragement and knowing. Walking around the market and seeing so many crafters/vendors/artists selling cards provided me with the hope, inspiration, and mindset to do the the same myself. My cards are admired by others and I've been paid for the cards I've made so I can do it if I have just an ounce of faith. Thank you Barb! Thank you Cosmos!
7:49AM - As I was looking at, better yet, peering into my "Crystal Ball", I saw my RV as I was driving through an arid, desert-like landscape. This image still fills my mind. I driving on a dry, dusty dirt road in the middle of nowhere it seems but I do a destination in mind it would seem.
Selling cards and another craft or two will afford me the ability to RV across North America. I give thanks for this miracle coming into my life.
Monday, April 18, 2011 @ 10:00am
On the tarot card front I see that I failed to record some cards that came to me over the last several days, disappointing as for a few I'm not quite sure which day they came to visit me on.
15th of April may have revealed: 7 of Coins - Chores. Resting after a job well done. Contemplating life's cycles and changes. Planning your next move. Clearing out what's unnecessary in your life to make room for something new.
16th of April may have revealed: Guide of Coins - Seeing the magic in the mundane. Spiritual fulfillment from Nature. Finding joy in the ordinary.
17th of April, last night revealed: XI Strength - Directing your passions rather than suppressing them, is the key. Finding healthy outlets for powerful energies.
The cosmos is really trying to get me on the right track, trying to get me to take the right path in my life so I can not only make a difference in my own life but make a difference in other people lives too! Making and selling cards and other crafts as well as doing ventriloquism and even spiritual stuff without really doing it will make such a difference in my life that I find it hard to believe that life could be so. . .great, really!
11 or XI is my Life Path or Master Number, the root of this number is 2. 11/XI
8:30PM I just interacted with Tarot a few minutes ago after going through my prayers/invocations/mantras while acknowledging the plants in our home. I shuffled the cards after counting them to make sure I had 78 and then quickly cut the deck three times. I was thinking that a totally new card will reveal itself to me and then I flipped over the top card - XI Strength: the energy of this card is very powerful for me and will be a factor over the next days, weeks, and possibly months.
XI Strength: Directing your passions rather than suppressing them, is the key. Finding healthy outlets for powerful energies.
This is a post that I only saved as a draft back in April and I just noticed it today on August 17th and went through and edited it here and there to make it an easier read.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
IV The Emperor
Today’s visiting card is the Emperor and what I glean from his visit to me today is that I need to continue to discipline myself and work on my crafts each and every day regardless of what might be trying to pull me away from doing so.
I’m also doing my best to take charge of my life so I am the one in control, the author of my own life, the author behind his own life’s story.
Last night I made another silk bag, this time for the very first deck of Tarot cards I purchased, the Thoth Deck by Aleister Crowley.
One more silk bag to make and each deck of cards will be protected. Then I will move onto some of my other projects such as cards. I will discipline myself so much so that each and every day, I work on some aspect of card-making.
I give thanks to the Cosmos.
IV The Emperor,
Thoth Deck
Monday, August 15, 2011
Almost Three Months Without a Post
I cannot believe that it's been almost three months since my last posting. Well that has to come to a stop I think.
I've been working on my spirituality all along since May 31st so I have no excuses for not blogging about my experiences. I've been a bad boy regarding this blog. I shall endeavor to do better and I will do better, this not blogging thing is ridiculous when it offers me so much.
As I mentioned I've been busy spiritually, metaphysically, psychically and over all in every aspect of my life. My relationship with the cosmos, the divine source is much stronger today than it was three months ago and I think will only grow stronger as the days pass by. The Source, the divine spark of life that's in all of us is burning ever so strong for me now I am in a new place yet I haven't traveled anywhere. The new place is a new place of being, of living life in a total and complete oneness with all that we are.
I continue to work with Tarot on a daily basis although I miss a day here and there but I make up for it through my communication with and connection with and to the universe.
Yesterday was good day in that I made two silk pouches for two of my four decks of Tarot cards. Making these pouches is a great experience and I feel so much better having made them. The energy is so much stronger and better now that my cards are protected by a silk pouch.
As my spirit continues to soar my desire to make cards and actually sit down to do is stronger than ever. I've been sitting down for a few minutes here and there for the past four or five days working on some aspect of card making. I've even worked a few rounds on my spool-knitting projects too! I mustn't forget the masks I'm working either. My projects are slowly taking over in my life and boy do I ever enjoy the feeling this brings over me.
Tomorrow will bring a new post and as always, thanks for stopping by. . . blessed be!
I've been working on my spirituality all along since May 31st so I have no excuses for not blogging about my experiences. I've been a bad boy regarding this blog. I shall endeavor to do better and I will do better, this not blogging thing is ridiculous when it offers me so much.
As I mentioned I've been busy spiritually, metaphysically, psychically and over all in every aspect of my life. My relationship with the cosmos, the divine source is much stronger today than it was three months ago and I think will only grow stronger as the days pass by. The Source, the divine spark of life that's in all of us is burning ever so strong for me now I am in a new place yet I haven't traveled anywhere. The new place is a new place of being, of living life in a total and complete oneness with all that we are.
I continue to work with Tarot on a daily basis although I miss a day here and there but I make up for it through my communication with and connection with and to the universe.
Yesterday was good day in that I made two silk pouches for two of my four decks of Tarot cards. Making these pouches is a great experience and I feel so much better having made them. The energy is so much stronger and better now that my cards are protected by a silk pouch.
As my spirit continues to soar my desire to make cards and actually sit down to do is stronger than ever. I've been sitting down for a few minutes here and there for the past four or five days working on some aspect of card making. I've even worked a few rounds on my spool-knitting projects too! I mustn't forget the masks I'm working either. My projects are slowly taking over in my life and boy do I ever enjoy the feeling this brings over me.
Tomorrow will bring a new post and as always, thanks for stopping by. . . blessed be!
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