
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ace of Swords

As I was shuffling the cards to randomly select my card of the day the Ace of Swords fell away from the deck so I took this card falling from the deck as a sign that it should be my card of the day.

The Ace of Swords is representative of an idea; starting to develop a plan or strategy.  I'm not sure how to take this card and the message I am being sent but I will meditate on it and see what I can come up with.  With just a few minutes of thought my eyes have been opened to the idea that perhaps my desire to move into and travel in an RV has not fully developed into a plan or strategy and perhaps, I need to step back and rethink things along this line.  In addition, related to subject matter of this blog, I have been wanting to come up with an idea of how I can further implement these things into my life and career and perhaps this Ace of Swords is a wake up call to do just that.

Do I have an idea and am I starting to develop a plan or strategy?  We shall see?

Thanks for listening. . .

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