
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What is the Tarot Card for Tuesday, March 29th, 2011?

What is the Tarot Card for Tuesday, March 29th, 2011?

The Guide of Swords: A wider perspective.  Altruistic thoughts.  Messages from the higher self.

Yesterday's card is the Sage of Wands and the day before that it is XX Beyond Judgement.  The Ace of Cups came previously as did the Youth of Swords, XI Strength, Ace of Swords, Man of Wands, IV Emperor, XVIII The Moon, Youth of Wands, and XIV Temperance on the 16 of March.  I missed drawing a card on the 20th of March.

Mind and creativity, the mental life and the creative life or creative side of life, hhhmmmm. . .

Also, what are my thoughts and beliefs about psychic abilities and tarot cards:

I believe in psychic abilities.  I believe that some people are capable of seeing into the past, future, even the present in ways that do indeed defy logic but are ever so real.  I believe that people are capable of connecting with energies and powers far greater than we can imagine and in so doing are capable of seeing what many of us may fear or wish we could do.

Tarot cards at one time scared me but today I think they open doors and windows to things we need to know to make right decisions in our own lives and in the lives of others.  Tarot cards are windows to the world beyond, a world that is not so much invisible as we close our minds to being able to see it.  This world is fluid and malleable, we can change our destiny by making right choices and tarot cards can help us do that.

Being psychic and having the Sight that Tarot helps to use are gifts I accept, love, and will nurture forever more.  No longer will I deny my desire to use such gifts for the betterment of mankind, myself included.  I am a spiritual being  and through my spirit, I celebrate my humanity.

I am one with the Divine Mind.  My thoughts are the thoughts of God.  God's love flows through me.

As the eternal cosmos knows so to do I know the vast cosmos.  Through my spirit, doors to the eternal truths and mysteries are opened, showing me the way.

I have the Sight.  I see into the past, present and future.  I can see others' thoughts but do nothing with such powers unless asked to do so by those whose thoughts I see.  I see auras and the energy of the universe as it is and is around each and every one of us.

I vibrate in unison with the universe/cosmos.  I am One.

I am financially wealthy.  I am wealthy in mind, body, and spirit.

The meaning of life will come to you when you look beyond yourself. . .and only you know how to do this. . .

Today, I woke up a different person, a very different person from the one who went bed last night.  Today, I am changed, changed for the better, changed because I have moved beyond myself, life is no longer self-centred, but rather humanity-centred.  Life is about the beyond and how I can help to make the world a better place.

I'm an RVer, Ventriloquist, Model Railroader, Musician, Religious Leader, and Political Adviser.  Those whom I interact with walk away changed for I speak not from myself but from the Beyond.  I speak with and through Love, Hope, Truth, Compassion, Caring, and, Sincerity.  My words are the Words of God.  God's Love Flows Through me.

My RV is my Home, is my Temple and I need to treat her with much Love and Respect.  I need to live my life Passionately with the Universe by my side, if you will.

I've got a couple of chapters of the "Psychic Tarot" under my belt and reading the book has prompted me to try and create a new home for my Tarot Cards.  I have scribbled a couple of ideas down on paper and will start working on new boxes tonight for each deck of Tarot Cards I have, four new homes for my decks of cards will be created.  At least, I hope so!

Three of the boxes should be the same size as two decks are I think, identical in size, one deck is much smaller than the other three, and one deck is larger than the other three.  I will try to create three identical boxes, identical in size only, so that there is some consistency when they are put away and not in use such as when I am driving the RV from one location to another.

The tarot cards should be wrapped or covered in black silk and this is where I have a hang-up as I'm not quite sure how to go about this.  I can make pouches or smaller scarves, or line the boxes with silk in such a way that each deck is surrounded by silk.  I need to give this some more thought, actually I need to just let these ideas gestate for awhile and I will know what I need to do well soon enough, I am certain.

I am one with the Divine Mind.  My thoughts are the Thoughts of God.  God's Love Flows Through me.

Wednesday 30, 2011 the card that came to visit me is the Guide of Wands: Feeling possessed by a creative project or inspiration.  Being inspired to help others.  Doing what's right.

Last night, after our guest went home we cleaned up and then I tried to relax a little bit before working with Tarot.  Last night was Friday, April 1, 2011, April Fool's Day.  I gave thanks for the two day's previous card, the Guide of Wands as I recanted my "mantras", shuffled the deck of cards as usual before cutting them three times.  The card that revealed itself is VI The Lovers:  A relationship is always a mingling of differences.  A powerful relationship.  Seeing both sides of an issue.  Flexibility.

This card reminds me somewhat of the ying and yang of life, of so many things in life, relationships included.  The imagery of the card is of night and day, the sun and the moon, light and dark, and of the need of each for the other.  Without light there can be no dark, the moon cannot be without the sun as the sun cannot be without the moon.  Life is of give and take.  Life is of being flexible and being able to be on both sides of the equation. 

Understanding the complexities yet simplicities of life is key to understanding our purpose here as well as the meaning of life.  We need to often go beyond our humanity and the human equation to find what we are looking for, for life knows what we all need even before we know ourselves.

Tonight’s card that found me is the 10 of Swords: You choose the script.  You can choose to plug yourself into a negative viewpoint, or to unplug yourself from one.  The end of a bad situation.  Finality.  Hysterical overreaction.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I'm busy trying to create new spaces for my tarot cards and as I am doing so I am also trying to hold a couple of different decks in my hands at various times.  This morning was no different and as I holding and looking at the, what I call my whimsical deck of cards, I started to shuffle them and just start looking at the cards.  The first card I came upon at the bottom of the deck is the "Ace of Pentacles".  My first impression of the card is a "helping hand from the universe".  I felt like the cosmic forces were helping in financial or even my earthly goals, if you will".

In the book that came with the cards their definition of the Ace of Pentacles is this:

"This card heralds good luck with new business endeavours and acknowledgment for a job well done.  This is a great time to apply for new work or seek a promotion.  Enjoy--and demand--life's pleasures.  also, don't let self-doubt get the best of you.  Money may become tight.  Beware of reckless irresponsible people.  Surround yourself with colleagues looking out for your best interests."

The card is represented by an image of a large hand, a hand I refer as the cosmic or divine hand holding onto a large coin.  A leafed vine is wrapped around the wrist and 9 stars or flowers surround the entire image.

Monday, April 4, 2011, 8:04PM

A card came to mind this morning.  The Ace of Cups was calling out to me this morning just before breakfast.  I like the imagery of this card as it appears in the Gay Tarot: a top hat and a goblet sharing water and a radiant energy. over a pond covered in several lily pads and lotus blooms.

For tonight, let's see what card will present itself to me.  How about X The Wheel of Life.  Yes, moving to the centre where things move a little slower.  This is certainly something I need to do. What lies behind me and what lies ahead?  What part of me is sending me a message?  My past or future self.  Well, before coming to sit down and work with Tarot, I grabbed myself a snack and as I was returning an item to the freezer what I envisioned or saw was the refrigerator in my RV, how about that?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011 @ 6:29PM

The card that revealed itself to me just a few moments ago is XVIII The Moon.  A very nice card: two enjoying each other's intimate company under the moonlight.  A sense of mystery and sexual creativity fill the air.