
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Where does time go?

Two weeks have passed by since my last post and as I was reviewing my previous posts I noticed that I never wrote about my visit to the Crystal Ark store on Granville Island.

I'm not even sure when I visited the store but we did make it to the Crystal Ark and what a lovely visit we had.  Walking through a store full of crystals was a very uplifting and moving experience for me.  Although, I did not walk out of the store with a Crystal Ball I did walk away with a small bag full of clear quartz, rose quartz, smokey quartz and amethyst crystals as well as a small amethyst ball with a base.  I surely will return to the store to feel out and purchase a crystal ball that feels right for me but during this visit I was suffering from a bit of sticker shock.  The crystal that I felt most drawn too was priced (well beyond my discretionary spending money) at a cool $777.00.

As I said though I will go back to the store and pick up a ball before I embark on my RVing adventure of a lifetime.

Since picking up the crystals I have noticed a definite change in my mood and energy.  I try to always carry at least one crystal in my pocket each time I leave the house and boy does it ever make a difference.  I even noticed a difference when I left a majority of the crystals out in the living room when going to bed.  Over the course of a few evenings I noticed that my sleep was not very good and quite hectic if you can imagine.  Once I returned the crystals to my dresser I noticed that my sleep improved a lot.

Crystal energy is definitely effective in improving my life.

I was doing quite good with working with Tarot for many days but that has dropped off to almost nothing for the past couple of weeks.  I last worked with Tarot on July 8th and before that it was June 30th.

On June 30th the card that revealed itself to me was the Sage of Coins and on July 8th the card that came out was the 5 of Coins.  Both of these from the Gay Tarot, a great deck of cards for me, very comfortable in my hands as they almost feel like an extension of my own body.

Also, an update on the car accident I had back on May 31st:  the other driver accepted 100% responsibility so I will receive a cheque from the insurance company for the $300 deductible I paid when I had the damage to the car repaired during the week of June 7th.

Time does not really go anywhere but time does seem to disappear when we do not live in the moment and enjoy life to the fullest each and every day.  I am thankful for the moment I have right now and for the life I am living in this moment.  Life is good and I am thankful for all that is being provided for me in this moment and for this day.

Grace and peace to you. . .